StealthEX Interview With Jag Sidhu, Syscoin BCF CTO & Lead Core Dev

Welcome to a series of interviews with crypto enthusiasts.

Today our guest is Jag Sidhu, Syscoin BCF CTO & Lead Core Dev.

Syscoin Platform is a decentralized blockchain platform that offers fast and low-cost tokens, assets, and NFTs secured by Bitcoin's censorship-resistance and hashrate.

If you have a question about Syscoin or where to buy SYS coin — is what you need!

StealthEX is an instant cryptocurrency exchange with the best rates. We provide customers with convenient and fast cryptocurrency exchanges. StealthEX crypto exchange service does not require any registration and supports 350+ coins for limitless and easy crypto swaps.

And by the way, don’t forget that now our users can purchase cryptocurrencies using fiat and we also offer the opportunity to buy crypto at fixed rates!

You are more than welcome to visit StealthEX exchange!

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