Star Atlas Unveils Its Report Titled “State Of The Economy”

ATMTA has published its report titled State Of The Economy with insight on various tools and data about the Star Atlas economy. The Department of Economics stepped forward to come out with the quarterly record of the world’s fastest-growing ecosystem in the gaming metaverse.

State of the Economy has talked about the contribution of the metaverse segment Star Atlas. The figure was last recorded in December 2021 with roughly 1% as a proud figure.

It is for the first time that a published report has mentioned the Census of the Star Atlas Universe while also recording the participants’ behavior in the ecosystem. The extends to covering the labor force after it said that the wages per ship had gone down. It further affected the average daily earning per employed ship as it came down to 16.8 ATLAS from 22 ATLAS.

A deeper dig has been taken into Faction Fleet, also known as SCORE, short for Ship Commissions On Remote Expeditions. The gameplay module was released on December 17, 2021.

Metaverse is a mirror-like substance to cryptocurrency when it comes to volatility. Price fluctuation is a normal part of the ecosystem despite users seeking stability as much as possible. As per the report published, SCORE has fortunately shown signs of being resilient to such volatility. SCORE acts as a base for players wishing to explore the metaverse space with a better growth of player fleets.

Michael Wagner, a Co-Founder of Star Atlas & Chief Executive Officer of ATMTA, appreciated the efforts of the Department of Economics in preparing and publishing the report. Michael Wagner said that the team had done a tremendous job in showing the transformative potential of the industry for the population across the globe.

He cemented the platform’s vision by adding that it was building a decentralized digital country for the entire world. It would be supported by its virtual economy that will encourage people to participate as much as possible.

Star Atlas is a sweet treat for gamers and metaverse enthusiasts alike. It has developed a strong backing of blockchain technology and real-time graphics. Integrating DeFi technology and multiplayer video games takes it to the next level, strengthening a community that it is looking to build in the future.

The blockchain technology backing Star Atlas is based on Solana protocol to establish a serverless and secure gameplay function. Non-fungible tokens appear in the gameplay to players to get more involved in the digital trade of the virtual artwork. NFTs can be obtained and traded in the digital economy created by Star Atlas.

Overall points covered in State of the Economy talk about 49.1% growth in the labor force, 18% increase in aggregate daily ATLAS wages, 27.1% decline in average wage per ship, and 3.7% decrease in the aggregate employment rate per ship.