Staking Income is a tempting and easy way to generate more wealth

Staking Income is a tempting and easy way to generate more wealth. By design it is supposed to be easy for not advanced users, and also rewards more technically advanced ones. Some may call staking a direct evolution of bank deposits because it works analogically if you don't know the technical side, and that is a huge problem for legacy system, i.e. wealth generation. 

There are many types of investments, but bank deposits are arguably the easiest type that is available to a average consumer - hold your money on a intended for this account and watch as it grows over time. That is very encouraging idea, you do not have to check your stocks every day, you don't need to trade assets, no risky investment, the only chance something goes wrong is Bank going bankrupt but in case there is still an option for it to bail out. 

Banks are often heavily monitored, and in case they aren't we get another 2008. 

And I'm not even surprised. Unwise monetary policies cause multi-national breakdowns of economic systems, and ultimately bring us to moments like today. That is why regulators are so scared of not heavily regulated market, and that is why they possibly want to attack Crypto.

Some people in Crypto know that well. That's why there are community dividing problems like OFAC compliance on Ethereum or recent Contingent Staking idea on Cardano. Those are problems that are born because the image of the future differs between users heavily.

But is it really the right approach? Time have proven that legacy solutions in legacy systems only cause more commotion and problems.

In order for modern, robust systems like blockchains we need to develop new, out of the box solutions for existing problems.

So what is Centralization through Decentralization?

What the regulators seem not to understand is the benefit of decentralized systems. 

Centralization through decentralization. 

Both sides generally speaking want the same thing. Safe, working systems that do not cause a spontaneous breakdown every now and then.

It hurts the business of the wealthy and it hurts us, smaller ones.

What most blockchains aspire to be is modern money transfer infrastructure.

But not only money, but also data, information and also confidential information.

Through decentralization, they achieve centralized unity of those things. And that is innovative.

The potential of this solutions is almost limitless. Imagine interoperable system, that works permissionless and is reasonable in terms of energy and money use of it.

That is the endgame of crypto that some fear, some don't understand and some distort. 

It is not about a system in which government abuses law, it wouldn't work with absolute anarchy neither. 

People need law, and law needs people who obey it, that's how people and law evolve simultaneously. 

Blockchain is only a step forward in this evolution. But its a big step forward.

None of information in this article should be considered a financial advice, it's my own analysis and facts I wanted to share with this wonderful community.

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Reflinks for some passive income:


0x4B5692110fF9Ba770b9EC5CEBA20849cF97496EA - BINANCE Smart Chain and Ethereum

addr1qxsktm5j0yusx00gg9735lrn7ada94n63dvy9g76nn5phms68c08evhlqngru7785nlh6qc20ll700v4pqtqktet3wkqwy07f5 - Cardano

TJevzMtsW7dwNM8amm9JE4fM4digjaegHy - Tron

1ApF4AYaQQthAQ4qMJftx3A3WaY4MfBVML - Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

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