Staking Chainklink with V2 LinkPool Owners Pool

LinkPool’s website states “LinkPool is a leading Chainlink node service provider with the goal of providing tools and services that benefit the Chainlink ecosystem. Our aims include lowering the barrier to entry to staking on Chainlink nodes, easing the amount of technical experience required to run a Chainlink node and providing smart contract creators with the tools to easily search and identify Chainlink nodes that can suit their data requirements.”

Using the V2 LinkPool Owners Pool

  1. Stake

Stake your LinkPool Tokens (LPL) in the V2 LinkPool Owners' Pool in order to automatically receive your proportionate share of fees generated by LinkPool's services.

  1. Receive Derivative Tokens

After staking your LPL into the V2 Owners' Pool you will receive two types of derivative tokens: 1. LinkPool Staking Allowance Tokens (linkLPLA) which give you access to future staking pools. 2. Accrued rewards derivative tokens (lpLINK) which can be exchanged 1:1 for LINK at any time.

  1. Claim Rewards

All of the fees generated by LinkPool's Chainlink nodes and other services are transferred into the Owners' Pool. These fees are allocated proportionately to all stakers based on their amount of staked LPL.

  1. Withdraw

To withdraw your staked LPL from the V2 Owners' Pool, you must provide an equal amount of LPLA for the LPL you wish to withdraw. This means if you sell or otherwise lose access to your LPLA tokens, you will not be able to withdraw your LPL.

Since the new LPL token meets the ERC-677 standard, which allows for approval, transfers and distribution of rewards within a single transaction. This means less gas for users.

If you are currently staking in the old V1 LinkPool Owners LP check out this article here:


LinkPool - LPL 0x99295f1141d58A99e939F7bE6BBe734916a875B8

LINK LinkPool Allowance - linkLPLA 0x89B641464E82697ADfc6CCcbF52b93a89B791E1F



