Stakenet ($XSN) is now available on Stakecube! Join my giveaway to celebrate!

One of my favorite projects is Stakenet ($XSN), which i joined from the beginning and saw grow with an excellent team of developers.

As we can read in the latest Dev Update, the testing on the lightning dex is going at full speed, with a stable version with a simple UI for easy one click swap, without thinking about opening channels or filling order books.

"This Simple Swap User Interface(SSUI) is important as it allows a user a simple, easy and intuitive way to exchange assets without the need of using a standard exchange interface such as you would see in a CEX"

The team announced also the collaboration with Connext to bring the L2 trading of ETH and ETH tokens to the dex (saving huge amounts on fees).

Yesterday $XSN was listed on Stakecube, an all-in one crypto ecosystem with an integrated exchange with many pairs, pooled staking and masternodes, mining pools and many other features, like compounding interests on BTC, DOGE, DASH and LTC deposits (even if the funds are sitting in the orderbook).

To celebrate this listing I'm doing a twitter giveaway of 50 $XSN, just join Stakecube and re-tweet my tweet below. As a bonus, every new member that joins my team will receive 10 DOGE and 100 RPD in their Stakecube wallet (must send me the username via DM or comment the tweet).