Stage 1. Big reboot.

Greetings . There will be no representation of yourself, you can consider me a kind of Mr. X. Having the opportunity to observe from a height and conduct analysis and reconnaissance, data were obtained that clearly show the picture of the weaving of the knots of the universe.
Let's start with a basic understanding and concept. For the layman, it may not be so clear and confused in some moments. But if your eyes are not completely blurred, then delving into the meanings, realizing reality and capturing the clarity of the moment will work out unambiguously.
The planner, and these are the Jews Kabbalists have a clear plan, which has been followed for 3000 years. What's your plan? Do our peoples have it? Do you have any idea why and where you came at all? Difficult questions aren't they? Or is the view blurred by prey? The need for money.
So the so-called big reboot is being prepared. This is not only we show, turn on look, everything is there. Recently there was only a congress where similar issues were discussed. Who needs to find it. So that's what we're talking about.
And the point is, my dears, that the US dollar has come to an end. The world will move into a new era. This will happen before 2022. Most likely in December. We didn’t come up with it, it’s the signs of intelligence. And what will be in place of the dollar? What will be replaced?
And this will replace the main unit of weight and the measure of all assets. And this is our dear Gold. As from the past centuries and up to now, it will be the main one. What will become of Bitcoin, you ask? Or with other cryptocurrencies, altas. We will answer this question in our next posts.
For now, let's just say that the transition itself will be abrupt and without a turn. The world will never be the same again. This will have to be understood and realized.
Pandemics and other tsyrk, only preparing the population for the transition. A seed before the main action.
We will continue the discussion of this topic in new issues if we see that there are individuals who can read between the lines.
What awaits and what plans do the rulers of this world have. We have answers to these questions. Moreover, those who are not indifferent to the fact that they are led and play like puppets will be able to join our community.
We will organize our institution of meanings, prepare the best, open our eyes to the very essence of being.
We will also launch a new digital editing. Our token will have a different plan and the task will be to create a new planet. Yes, you heard right. We are building a new planet. But first, let's start by cleaning the old one.
Wait for our releases in which we provide information. In the meantime, we subscribe and like all those who want to know the truth, no matter how bitter it is. Those who want to take part in the creation of a new planet are also glad to see here. We are waiting for post number 2. All the best and remember all the secret will become clear, the only question is whether you have time to order it.