【srm / serum】

The maximum amount of SRMs that can be issued is 10 billion. 10% of the SRMs are currently in circulation, and the remaining 90% are designed to be distributed over a six-year period starting in August 2021.

A fee will be charged to users for each trade, and all fees collected will be burned.

A node called "EcoSerum" is responsible for providing grants to support the expansion of the Serum ecosystem.

Automation of transactions on Serum. Specifically, it includes advanced initiatives such as a platform that provides bots that rebalance assets on a regular basis and perform transactions automatically for a monthly fee.

The grant is funded from 2% of all fees collected by Serum, and is managed by a fund pool called the EcoSerum Funding Pool (EPFP).

The 200,000 SRMs and 1 MSRM in the EPFP are locked until August 1, 2021.

The 200,000 SRM and 1MSRM in this EPFP will be locked until August 1, 2021, after which they will be gradually unlocked over the next six years and distributed to each grant recipient project.

If the project is related to Solana, SOLs may be provided in addition.

Serum Swap is a new AMM-type on-chain exchange built on Serum.

Serum Swap is a new AMM-type on-chain exchange built on Serum, which allows users to do two things: trade and provide liquidity.

If you are an SRM holder, you can get up to 50% off Serum fees, and if you are an MSRM holder, you can get up to 60% off Serum fees.

It is available for purchase on Binance, etc.

Official website : https://projectserum.com/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/projectserum