Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Up Close and Personal

Every week there is a SPLINTERLANDS challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Up Close and Personal rule set. I also encourage  players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

The ruleset this time is Up Close and PersonalTaking Sides. This means that only melee monsters can be used and no neutral monsters can be used. There is also 99 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, water, earth, and dragon 

The summoner I choose to use this time is Possibilus the Wise. In this match, having +2 health,  is nice because I can only use melee monsters.

My plan is to have Diemonshark tank some hits while my Coastal Sentry damages the enemy with the double strike ability and my opportunity monsters will do their best to kill off his low-health monsters. I have Demented Shark for the  ability so my melee monsters do more damage and Serpent of Eld is in the last spot to  some of those  monsters. Overall, I have increased my damage and did my best to reduce the damage that I would take from my opponent. Given the high mana, I could have swapped that last card for something better, but it's what I had.

At first glance, I think that I have the advantage. My opponent doesn't have many monsters that can attack from their position. I don't have any sneak monsters either so the thorns aren't as big of an issue for me. My opponent's Quora wasn't enough to counter all the damage that I had in my team.

I was able to take out two monsters and my Diemonshark is enraged. If I don't miss then I can avoid his double strike monster.

I was quite lucky and I didn't miss any attacks. This let me drop my opponent down to 1 monster left. At this point, I think it's impossible for me to lose due to the speed difference.

Like I thought, I won without many issues the same round.

The battle went exactly like I expected with my focus on damage working out for me. My opponent didn't have many monsters that could attack from a range. This allowed me to do as much as damage as I wanted and it gave me an edge over my opponent. The trample worked out quite well to deal even more damage against my opponent.

You can see my entire match 

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.