Splinterlands, the new Axie Infinity? Invest right now!!!


If you are reading this and you are not playing Splinterlands yet, you should signup right now!

I think numbers don't lie, and the chart posted on the official discord server speaks for itself. The surge in new players comes at a time where cards are not being printed for a while, and lots of cards going out of print at the moment.  Thus card-prices are going through the roof.  Invest now! You need $10 for the spellbook (full account) and you can still buy cards from approximately 10 cents.

        Splinterlands(2021), Average Daily Sign-ups through June


The coolest thing for me was that you only need $10 to start earning DEC and you can pay with PayPal, hence the barrier of entry is very low. Here is some of my personal experience and how i started playing the game about 1 month ago:

As I was playing card games basically all my life I immediately liked Splinterlands. The only catch is you have to invest 10 US dollars to buy a spellbook and start earning the in-game currency DEC. Yes, I was really freaked out at the beginning to invest any money in any business or game I don't know, but I was actually happy that it was only 10 US dollars to start playing and that PayPal was a payment option, so I didn't need any cryptos. After playing for 12 days my account holds almost 3 dollars in value and I get whooping 26 chests ??  as a reward at the end of the season.

I heard that you can make more than 100$+/month playing Splinterlands. After playing for a while I think that certainly depends on how good you play the game, if you rank high enough for leaderboards rewards, in what league you play in general, how much luck you have, and how much money you make on the side with buying, selling, and lending cards. Anyways, I'm really excited about the game. I think it has a great future and I will see how far the initial $10 investment will take me. But yeah, I am super confident as the game is awesome and this is reflected in the price development. 

Using my promocode would mean a lot: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rushkush

Let me know what you think!

Take care, cheers!