Splinterlands: day 2 of quest potions! 27.9% gain!



Welcome back to day TWO of our Quest Potion experiment whereby I'll be tracking 11 days worth of rewards to determine whether or not Quest Potions are worth it in Splinterlands.

For those interested, you can check the Day 1 results here.

The Juicy Bits

For today, I've returned to the Silver III league for the first time this season, and with that, we will be seeing 7 (2+5) chests every day! Sounds a LOT considering its more than 3X what we usually get on a daily basis.


Andddd here are the drops.

From today's catch, we have the following.

  • 59 DEC - $0.42 (at time of posting).
  • 2 Alchemy Potions - $0.09.
  • 2 Legendary Potions - $0.07.
  • Charlok Minotaur (Reg LVL 1) - $0.29 (at market prices).

Total Gain = $0.87

Total Cost = $0.68 (Quest Potion bundle of 11).

Net Profit = $0.19

Net Profit % = 27.9%

I mean, the numbers don't look much but one has to remember, this is pure profit from just... playing a game.

Well that's it for today folks, tomorrow I'll be pulling another pack and at the end of the series I'll compile all the data to determine if YOU too should buy some Quest Potions.

Feel free to use my link HERE to start your own play to earn journey in Splinterlands.

For those keen on following along, hit Follow, Vote/Like, or leave a comment. Any of these actions would help me a lot.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end :)

Till next time, stay safe everyone!
