Splinterlands: What can be the possible use case of the VOUCHER?

I guess, most of the players in Splinterland's have no concerns with the VOUCHERS as the print rate of VOUCHER is 40K VOUCHERs per day and half of it is reserved for Node License holders (that not many players have), and the other half is rewarded for SPS staking. Unless you do not have a huge stake in SPS, your VOUCHER drip is very low and may not be substantial so you need to think about it. But if you are the one, who owns multiple Node Licenses and using your earned VOUCHER to take part in VOUCHER pools then you will be really surprised to see your VOUCHER stack growing fast.

Even though 40K a day does not look big number still it adds up to millions of VOUCHER per month and with no active use case, they seem like flooding the markets and getting dumped to break the new low.

Actually, I am not much concerned about the VOUCHER until I realized that my combined position (hold on wallets and liquidity pairs) can be effectively redeemed for some 10000 VOUCHER and I suddenly got a feeling that if I was sitting on a pile of worthless token?

With the current restructuring of the SPLINTERLANDS team, I decided to head on the SPlinterlands Mav chat to understand how the Mav is taking up these new changes and to my surprise, there is a VOUCHER discussion going on. Jarvie (peakmonster's team) put the 4 hours of Mav chat in in ChtGPT4 to create the summary of the discussion and ChatGPT4 created the below summary,

Bullet Points Summary:

Debate over the necessity and utility of vouchers in the game.

Suggestions to stop minting vouchers or to give them specific use-cases.

Calls for burning vouchers through various methods like using them instead of DEC (another in-game currency).

Ideas to use vouchers for exclusive card purchases, land development, or node discounts.

Mention of development backlog, including features yet to be implemented.

Discussions about the priority of DEC over vouchers in the current game economy.

Some participants suggest a more continuous release of new cards.

Broader discussion on game management, decentralization through nodes, and financial sustainability.

General Sentiment Overview:

The general sentiment appears to be one of concern and urgency about the future of vouchers within the game. Participants see them as a form of "debt" that could complicate the game's economy if not addressed. Various solutions are proposed, ranging from ceasing their production to providing new utilities for them. However, no consensus is reached, and the issue remains a subject of debate.

Additionally, the discussion expands into broader topics like the game's overall development, suggesting a level of dissatisfaction or impatience with the current state of affairs. While there's a general willingness to find solutions and improve the game, there's also a sense of frustration about the slow pace of development and the backlog of promised features.

My 2 cents

Though I am not in favor of retiring VOUCHERs and want them to get utility in the future but it should not be a rushed decision. My take is that "thinking and implementing " about VOUCHER is a wasted energy and pending items Land should be released first. If land is released then its mechanics can be sunk to various resources and tokens including DEC and VOUCHERs .

So what you think about the VOUCHERs?

My other post in Splinterlands.

Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.

Staked 200K SPS and my future Splinterland's plan.

Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.

Splinterland's : Explosive growth is yet to come.

Splinterland's : Earned assets worth more than 1 BTC.

Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .

Splinterlands : When luck strike twice in gap of few days.

Splinterlands : Ways to earn DEC

Splinterlands : Do not ignore Guilds

Analyzing the CHAOS packs

Buying Splinterland Tower Defense pack now looked good decision

Are you Ready for GLX airdrop

Splinterlands : My passive income generator

Splinterland's : My road to 300K staked SPS

Splinterland's : It rained Gold Foil

Splinterland's : SPS rewards did kicked up Brawl participation

Splinterland's : Recap of my November Earning

Splinterland's: Pulled trigger to buy more SPS.

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it 

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game . It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.

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