Splinterlands: the new Rebellion set!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my SPLINTERLANDS blog! It's been a while since I did anything else than the Battle Mage Secrets posts but it's time for something else again because we had some time now to play with the new Rebellion set!

At first I was quite overwhelmed with all the new things in the game lol, and it took me a few days to get used to everything and see what cards I needed in my battles to stay competitive in the Modern League.

In the Pre-Sale, I bought 10 packs to support the team, but since we were still in the (end of) bear market I didn't had a lot of liquid funds available, and at the same time there were so many relatively cheap older cards that I couldn't afford before, so I needed to spread the funds I did have available.

With opening the 10 packs on December 5th I already had over 40 cards (I pulled some multiples of the same cards) to play with, I transferred the multiples I got to my alt account and sold the Gold Foils I pulled to buy back some key cards I felt I needed.

Because I bought 10 packs in the pre-sale, I also received Grimbardun Smith as a promo card:

And while it's only a level 1 and doesn't have any attack, it's Immunity ability already won me some poison battles and you can give him attack but putting a Weapons Trainer card next to him of course.

I 'only' pulled once Legendary, it's better as none of course ??

This one has the new Armor Strike ability (more an than later) and has a good amount of HP, it's a little niche to use, for example where melee monsters can strike from any position so it can use both of it's attacks but still gets protected from damage himself.

New abilities!

Armored Strike: I didn't make a lot of use of this ability just yet, and maybe it's because I'm a Silver player I don't see it used a lot, it's very good in certain situations, the 4 mana Wailing Wraith's price reflects that: $1.66 at it's only a rare card! It basically means that as long as the monster has armor, it can use the armor as a second attack, pretty cool, and what's even better, the more armor it has, the stronger the attack!

Corrosive Ward: This is the Cripple version for armor: when you hit a monster with this ability, 2 armor gets molten and is unable to being repaired, I only have one monster with this ability so I don't use it a lot.

Flank: Units with Flank give the Unit behind it the Reach ability, this is pretty nice for example to protect a high damage melee Double Striking monster that dies too fast when it's used as a tank, for example Grund or Coastal Sentry, both from the previous Chaos Legion set.

Lookout: Monsters next to units with the Lookout ability receive less damage from Sneak, Snipe or Opportunity attackers, I already found a nice combination to use with this new ability, more on that in a later post, it's very cool to use new combinations and synergies.

Ambush: Cards with this ability gets to attack before the battle even started, how cool is that! sometimes, when the other team isn't using protect, you can take out a soft target before the battle has even started!

The 'need to have' cards:

Now we have lost the Untamed set in Modern League since it rotated out and made room for the new Rebellion set, we've also lost some nice combinations, and so we need cards as a replacement to stay competitive in the Modern League, remember, you can use ALL cards from EVERY set in the Wild League, as well as in Guild Brawls and some Tournaments.

Fenmoor Haunt: this little sneaker is the only Gold Foil card so far I bought in the Rebellion set, it combines very well together with Uraeus and Silent Sha-vi in a sneak team to kill magic teams.

Gobalano Soldier: Another small card, with Tarsa it gets +1 damage so it can ambush for two damage before the battle starts.

Torch Vizier: This fast Opportunity monster replaces Serpentine Spy, it's more expensive in mana but it also has more HP, it's a nice card to hunt down magic teams together with the sneaks from Fire and Neutral.

Lurking Puffer: The mana value and HP amount makes me think it's the replacement for Kelp Initiate, but it's much slower, it does synergize well with the next card.

Moxian Rebel: Great card for low mana matches where it can train two units without attack themselves, such as Lurking Puffer and Chaos Agent for only 7 mana in total you'll have 6 magic damage when you combine it with Obsidian.

Where the Splinterlands team made a mistake by over printing the Chaos Legion set, reducing the card value (which has it's benefits for new players of course), the team has come up with a good solution that was used in the Chaos Legion set later too:

Every day, starting on the date that the Rebellion set is released, if fewer than 25,000 (25k) Rebellion booster packs are sold that day, the remainder of the booster packs (up to 25k total) will be removed from the sale pool. Of the packs removed from the sale pool each day, 90% will be burned and 10% will be sent to the DAO for use in future promotions or however the SPS token holders wish.

So, when not a lot of packs get sold, the existing packs and cards will be more valuable!

In my opinion, it's still to early to go full out on acquiring the leveled up cards I need to play in high Silver, it's pretty expensive, and while I do get a penalty on my battle earnings because I play lower cards it doesn't outweigh the high price it takes to level the good cards for now, for example the Torch Vizier now costs $0.70 cents for a single copy, and I need 25 for my max level, where it also picks up the Reflection Shield ability, it means one card will cost me $17!

There are better ways to spend that inside the Splinterverse for sure!

Well that's it for this week, more on this great new set and general Splinterlands talk next week!

Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!

I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.