Splinterlands | SPS & Card Accumulation Progress!

When it comes down to Splinterlands, I'm still inside an accumulation mode trying to reach my goal of having 100k SPS staked along with completing my Chaos Legion Card set and some Riftwatchers cards. This is another progress Report on all of it...

Road to 100k SPS Staked

My first report on this dates back from September 16th () when I was at 80380 SPS which now roughly 50 days later, this has increased to 86380 SPS. This means 6000+ SPS got added all from earnings within the game. I did sell some of DEC which increased in price and bought SPS with it on Hive-Engine. 1500 SPS to be exact. This does mean that I have been earning roughly 5$ in SPS Earnings daily from playing the game along with staking my SPS. I also reached 2k SPS on my alt account which I had as my goal thanks to a single chest that included 1000+ SPS. I will be unstaking everything above that 2000 SPS monthly now and transferring it to my main account.

I'm still kind of hoping SPS goes lower so it becomes cheaper to get to my 100k SPS goal and I assume it will go lower. Ideally, I reach my goal near the bottom and start taking some profit or reinvesting it from there on out with the price only going up.

Chaos Legion Card Collection

I kind of slowed things down a lot when it comes down to getting my Chaos Legion Collection complete and mostly am getting more cards from packs that I'm getting from the rewards. Many of those are duplicate cards that I already have leveled up and I tend to send those to my rental account making it so that they automatically earn DEC (which I used to buy SPS last week)


When it comes down to the Summoners, I still need to get 3 more copies of the Conquerer Jacek. For now this card is used on my alt account. I don't consider it a must-have but more something of a fun purchase. These legendary Summoner cards also have been holding their value quite well.

Legendary Cards

I did get it over with and just bought 2 extra copies of the Spirit Hoarder which adds the really useful blind ability to it. Especially for the Earth Splinter with the Obsidian Summoner, this card works quite well with the Taunt ability of the Mycelic Slipspawn in the backline which can get healed that way.

That leaves me with only the River Hellondale & the Djinn Muirat that I need to collect in order to have a full legendary cards set of Chaos Legion.

Epic Cards

I did collect a couple extra epic cards and just bought 1 more Nerissa Tridawn which I now have at level 3 with 10 more cards to go in order to get that to level 4. I regularly used this cards even at the lower level so 1 extra speed now is useful and 1 extra damage will also be useful. I stopped aiming to have all the cards and the Magi Of Chaos is one that I have no intention to further level up. I also got the Magi Necrosi to level 3 which gives 1 extra Magic damage useful for battles were monsters get no abilities.

Rare & Common Cards

I did level only 1 extra cards to my max level since the last report this was the Djinn Apprentice as it was part of a battle challenge. From the Common cards I have most cards complete and might even look to get some to Level 7 as it works with my level 4 Epic Summoners.

Riftwatchers Card progress

At this point, I feel like Riftwatchers is just too much, too soon, and too expensive. I'm glad that I got the Sthipa summoner which is a lot of fun but also feels too niche and the other couple of cards that I wanted are just too expensive now. I also totally overlooked and disregarded the


Most of my focus right now is on stacking more SPS in Splinterlands swapping DEC now that it has gotten closer to the peg for it. When it comes down to cards I kind of slowed down a lot with only a couple that I still aim to buy before considering my collection 'complete'.

Play2Earn Games I'm Currently Playing...


Noise.cash: https://noise.cash/u/costanza

Leofinance: https://leofinance.io/@costanza
