Splinterlands: My daily rewards in Bronze & Silver league

These are my rewards for both accounts, my main account is playing in Silver league, both Modern and Wild while my alt stays in Modern Bronze.

Another Legendary on my main account! I have enough now to bring it to level 2, where it picks up divine shield, no game changer, but it's nice it can survive another hit, especially because it's a low health card.

Again my alt account made more SPS in Bronze than my main did in Silver because I'm still in Wild League with my main to farm chests, waiting for the big boys to get higher up the rankings in Modern so I've got a better win rate when I switch to Modern myself, the way I see it:

Modern gives more SPS but less chests, Wild is more fun and gives more chests, but a lot less SPS.

Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!