Splinterlands | Earth Elemental Challenge

One of the really solid Beta Set cards is being highlighted in this week's Share Your Battle Challenge. This is the Earth Elemental...



When it comes down to cards that give really good stats for their mana cost, the Earth Elemental for sure is in the top tier list! For 3 mana, you just don't find many cards at level 1 with 6 Health, at level 3 with 2 ranged damage and at level 4 with the self-healing ability. I have it in my main account at level 4 and would love to get it at level 5 but the cost just doesn't justify me doing so since the game remains completely out of balance when it comes down to the matching system. I played a game using this card on my main Level 5 Summoner account being faced against an opponent with max level cards (Full Battle Link) which left me with no chance whatsoever. Right now this is a real plague in the game that needs to get fixed as soon as possible, yet nothing is mentioned about it from the devs. In at least 7 out of 10 matches you pretty much know in advance who will win which makes SPLINTERLANDS a horrible pay2win experience where it's all just about the earnings instead of the game which remains sad.

The match I played with the Earth Elemental on my 2nd account at least gave me a chance to outplay a marginally higher level opponent



It was one of those matches where both players had very similar decks and details made the difference especially knowing it was my Level 3 Summoner vs his Level 4 Summoner. He started with a Level 4 Flesh Golem in 1st position while I opted for my Golden Furious Chicken to take some initial damage following it up with my own Level 4 Flesh Golem. My opponent played two 1 mana cards to get a speed advantage in 2nd and 3rd place while I just used my level 4 Wood Nymph in the 3rd spot. I put my Swamp thing in 4th place to reduce the health of all his monsters by 1 and my level 3 Earth Elemental last. He had a Level 4 Earth Elemental with Heal followed by the Furious Chicken as the last cards.


I ended up crushing him mostly based on card placement and skill and these close fair battles are what Splinterlands should be all about as a game. It is fun, challenging, and most of all fair. If you win, you feel like you earned the win instead of having paid for the win and if you lose, you feel like you are outplayed learning something in the process. I really don't understand why none of the devs their focus seems to be on making this a priority.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

Splinterlands | Screaming Banshee

Splinterlands | Silvershield Sheriff

Splinterlands | Rusty Android

Splinterlands | Scale Doctor

Splinterlands | Serpent of the Flame Challenge

Splinterlands | Pirate Archer Challenge

Splinterlands | Equalizer Challenge

Splinterlands | Flesh Golem Challenge

Splinterlands | Soulstorm Challenge

Splinterlands | War Chaang Challenge

Splinterlands | Koblod Miner Challenge

Splinterlands | Captain's Ghost Challenge

Splinterlands | Child Of The Forest Challenge

Splinterlands | Phantasm Challenge

Splinterlands | Silvershield Warrior Challenge

Splinterlands | Gloridax Soldier Challenge

Splinterlands | Tortisan Fighter Challenge

Splinterlands | Barking Spider Challenge

Splinterlands | Twisted Jester Challenge

Splinterlands | Armorsmith Challenge

Splinterlands | No Attack Challenge



All Splinterlands players are free to join this Weekly Challenge (regardless of your rank) and will get rewarded by the team with Upvotes on Hive. If you haven't tried out the game yet, this is a great opportunity as it allows you to earn back the 10$ Price of the Summoner's Spellbook you need to get your Hive Private Keys after creating an account, share in the game rewards, get Daily Quests, join tournaments, Earn DEC for each Ranked Win,... 



For now, I continue to offer a win-win deal to everyone who tries out the game using my Referral Link. I haven't seen anyone else doing this so I guess the best possible way for those who want to get into the game is by using my link. To see the full deal I'm offering for the month of November, check Full Sign-Up Deal.

To see what can be expected in terms of earnings from the Splinterlands game, check my monthly earnings reports.

  • October 2020 | +98.60$
  • September 2020 | +92.13$
  • August 2020 | +138.59$
  • July 2020 | +112.810$
  • June 2020 | +105.774$
  • May 2020 | +180.384$
  • April 2020 | +133.927$
  • March 2020 | +76.153$
  • February 2020 | +105.25$
  • January 2020 | +136.44$

To understand what the game is about and how it can be played check the video below!

Important: Treat games in the first place as games and not as investment opportunities, Splinterlands allows you to earn some money and get good returns but you are much better off flipping burgers in Mcdonalds when looking at the money earned for the time invested. Investing also comes with a risk of card values going down.

Hive: https://hive.blog/@costanzaPublish0x: https://publish0x.com/costanza

Twitter: https://twitter.com/costanzabets