Splinterlands - Sand Worm (Weekly Post)

Sand Worm when I first saw it immediately I knew it would be a staple in high mana count matches. The monster had a strong melee attack and ability of sneak therefore could fit in any position of the formation. At common rarity it is easier to obtain and since its a reward it will only be a matter of time players who play the game daily will have a great chance of obtaining one.




I went with a good old fashion life splinter that lead off with Silvershield Paladin , Silvershield Warrior, Sand Worm, Silvershield Assassin, ShieldBearer, and ending with Silvershield Knight. Yes besided Sand Worm all other monsters beared Silver in their names but then again all monsters selected started with the letter "S". I focused on melee with though defense due to the rule sets that magic not allowed and Stampede which works well with melee.

My opponent went with dragon splinter mixed with fire which matched well with the rule sets. However only two out of six monsters had melee whereby if the first two monsters were knocked out then from there on every front monster become a punching bag for my formation.


Round 1


By the end of the first round it was 6 against 5 with me in the lead. The sneak ability paid off well as my opponent's rare was being knocked out.


Round 2


Again at end of round my opponent loses another rare monster leading it to 6 against 4. The dual of Sand Worm and Silvershield Assassin is enough to break down my opponent's formation steady and slowly.


Round 3


First off I lost my strongest defense in Shieldbearer. However my opponent loses two monsters in this round leading it to only two left.


Round 4


Ended up with a win for me as my Assasin knocked out Fire Spitter and Sand Worm closed out the battle with knock out of Manticore.

I found the match exciting to watch as sneak ability played a big role in knocking out opponents. I was surprise to see how dominant my formation was. There were some weakness in my formation as not being able to defend with counter attacks of have healing abilities.

The end result was a nice way to have my Sand Worm finished the battle with last punch against my opponent. What a day!

Link to the match if you want to watch.

Until tomorrow happy SPLINTERLANDS to everyone.