Splinterlands - I've tapped 120,000 SPS staked, but I am still hungry for more

Rebellion is here for quite a bit of time and everybody is excited about the new Edition cards, the new abilities, the new mechanics and the Modern format rewards. While that happens I must confess that my excitement is quite reserved for Rebellion as for any new edition cards, but on the other hand I am quite excited and amazed about Splintershards and the ongoing use cases that continue to surface. And now that Land 1.5 is here and that we can build Splintershards Mines, guess what I did? You guessed right, I've jumped the wagon to build a SPS mine and get my share of the prize. And as I am expanding the ways I am earning Splintershards in the game, I succeeded to tap 120,000 SPS staked. And guess what? I am still hungry for more...

I am on a mission to accumulate as much SPS as possible until the bull market will hit the town. We are far away from the potential of SPS pricing and while we might not get to the previous ATH of $1.07, I believe that we will push to maybe half a dollar. Why? Well simply because the Land 1.5 is eating from the SPS supply and is burning it through DEC staking requirements. So far we've burned 42,130,632 with Land and 62,640,958 with Node licenses, summing 104,771,590 SPS. That lowers the SPS supply from 3 Billion to 2.895 Billion which translates in wiping 3.5% from the supply. And we are nowhere at the boiling point with Land and the other mechanics that can burn SPS.

Now getting back to my achievement, I am quite happy of tapping 120,000 SPS staked. I've pulled all the revenue streams that I could in order to get here, but it was all deserved it. Here are my income channels for SPS.

  • Daily Battles and Rewards Chests
  • Season End Rewards Chests
  • Guild Brawls
  • Staking SPS (~13% APR)
  • Mining SPS (yes, I have a wonderful SPS mine with 110% bonus and it just started production since 2 days ago)
  • Keep Tax (yes, I have a keep which taxes the region and gets me some extra SPS)
  • Tournaments (re-started playing them and hopefully I will try to get involved more into them)

Getting to 120,000 SPS staked was a long journey as I have been gathering SPS since the airdrop. My dream was to get to 1,000,000 SPS but that is quite far away from where I am at now. I am trying to be more relisting, so my ultimate target is to get to 200,000 SPS. An intermediary goal would be to get to 150,000 SPS and that's what I've set my eyes on. With the 120,000 SPS staked my SPS Holdings Rank is standing at ,011 which is quite impresive in my opinion. Soon I have the possibility to enter Top 1000 and I plan when I'll do that to make another post on it. Until that happens, it remains for me to keep grinding and maybe even expand my revenue channels.

Will you rise with the Rebellion?

If not, you still have a chance on it, come and join 

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