SpecTruth and Web 3

What is Web 3.0?  Web 1.0 can be compared to a library where information was stored.  Vast walls of texts for reading were created without the user being able to interact.  Web 2.0 was the natural evolution by allowing user interaction with dynamic websites that acted more as applications than simply pages of information.  With Web 2.0 came great advancements in user interaction but also many complaints. 

Many Web 2.0 users complain that search results are not complete or results are being manipulated to achieve a hidden agenda.  A great example would be to search for Senator Rand Paul’s discourse on vaccines.  It is not our intention to discuss the vaccines or pandemic, only to show that public information has been withheld or made difficult to view based on a private company’s own political stands. 

Developers are marketing Web 3.0 as if it will be a complete reinvention of the web, something that Web 2.0 was not.  There has not been a consensus for the definition of Web 3.0; however, the vision is clear.    Web 3.0 can be likened to an artificial intelligence assistant that understands its user and personalizes everything.

To get a better understanding of Web 3.0, let us look at an example. I founded SpecTrue.me and with the goal of creating an amazing metaverse experience using VR and AR with our own AI.  Our metaverse will provide our users with the best networking, social interactions, education, therapy, and potentially producing income.  Using Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 on google to find Spectrue.me will be frustrating because Google (Web 2.0) uses a consensus algorithm.  Google will attempt to autocorrect the search term to Spectre; a James Bond movie and enormous paid advertiser.  After the search term is corrected to allow SpecTrue from Spectre, Google promotes keyword search results while being unable to understand the context of the search. 

Using Web 3.0, the AI assisting in the user’s search inquiry would recognize the user’s intention based on the individualized past searchers, related topics, the totality of the user’s internet use patterns.  Moreover, there have been countless complaints that search engine providers promotes its own paid advertisers while burying their advertiser’s competition lower in the search results.

Websites, like www.Spectruth.com, will be able to use their AI to assist in the development of AI intelligent web searches free from manipulation.  As our AI engine grows with increased data inputs and complexity, the results are perfected and its engine can be added to the overall network due to it being open sourced.

As for our name, we know we are "special" because we seek only the "truth."