SpaceSwap, NFT STARS, And Moma Protocol Collaborate To Bring More Value To DeFi

DeFi ecosystem SpaceSwap, NFT marketplace NFT STARS, and DeFi lending solution Moma Protocol have announced a strategic partnership. The partnership aims to leverage each project’s knowledge and experience and bring more value to the DeFi space. 

A Three-Dimensional Collaboration 

The collaboration will cover DeFi lending, Marketing, and NFTs. The Moma protocol offers a proprietary solution for growing liquidity demands, scalability, and speculation in the DeFi lending markets. In addition, Moma Protocol will support SpaceSwap in expanding its ecosystem and develop its lending solution to meet the demands of the SpaceSwap community. 

In turn, SpaceSwap and NFT STARS will assist the Moma Protocol in the NFT market. Both NFT STARS and SpaceSwap have significant experience in NFT farming, minting, and promoting NFTs and other services that rely on NFTs. The three projects will also work on marketing activities promoting their products and services. 

An Exciting Collaboration 

Collaboration between three leading projects has created considerable excitement in the DeFi space. CEO of NFT STARS and SpaceSwap Dan Khomenko shared his excitement by stating, 

“We are excited to share this experience with the Moma team, and by joining forces, we hope to bring something unique to the market. Our team at SpaceSwap has been working on a lending solution for weeks, and we always welcome insightful feedback and expert opinions. With our NFT STARS platform, we are pursuing a goal of introducing more market actors to NFT and are glad to be helping Moma with their NFT plans.”

Moma Protocol CEO Ocean Liao added, 

“We are thrilled to partner up with NFT STARS and welcome high-quality NFT projects as such to join Moma Protocol. We believe our Factory’s customizable Launch pool design can help projects to fulfill token distribution, acquire initial users, attract users to try out their key products, and complete community activation. After projects have distributed their tokens to the community through their Launch Pool, they could choose to upgrade their Launch Pool to Lending Pool, and this customizable Lending Pool becomes their very own lending platform. Our mission is to help great projects achieve infinite liquidity in DeFi markets. We also very much look forward to working with NFT STARS and SpaceSwap to achieve success and receive valuable NFT know-how and insights from them.”

About SpaceSwap 

SpaceSwap operates on the Ethereum network and the BINANCE Smart Chain. Its suite of products consists of index tokens, NFT farming, and LP staking, and there is also an upcoming lending solution. In addition, SpaceSwap is using its Shadow Staking Technology to revolutionize yield farming. Shadow Staking makes the process of yield farming secure and less costly. 

It also allows the system to read information about LP tokens from the users’ wallets and start the farming process. As a result, users remain in full control of their funds, as the funds do not require being removed from their wallets, reducing the amount of money spent on gas and the number of iterations. 


A multi-chain NFT marketplace, NET STARS has a host of features and products that give digital art lovers, artists, startup founders, and investors unique opportunities. For example, it offers artists gas-free NFT minting, allows them to create an AR gallery to host exhibitions, an NFT pricing scanner, and collaborative NFT creation. 

It also allows users to participate in fractional NFT trading, governance of the platform, and the opportunity to select creators from its marketplace. NFT STARS also allows startups two rounds of Initial NFT Offerings, which is a new way of funding ideas. 

About Moma Protocol 

A proprietary solution to meet growing demands of scalability, liquidity, and speculation in DeFi lending markets. Moma protocol allows anyone to create or manage lending markets by offering proprietary and highly customizable smart contract factories. This serves lending markets and users in three ways, and these are Factory, Launcher, and Aggregator. Factory can produce and manage Launch Pool and Lending Pool. 

Launch Pool is a customizable pre-lending pool that is specifically designed for community mining. Meanwhile, Lending Pool is a market-lending pool that has an over-collateralized loan structure. Finally, the aggregator is a calculator and analyzer that helps users with personalized DeFi needs of borrowing, lending, and community mining of crypto assets. 

Moma Protocol’s framework includes two reserve pools, a crypto risk rating database, and a whistleblower mechanism. 

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