Some mistakes I've made

So as the months went by, I was just working my day job, in construction, then coming home to try and learn more about Bitcoin and crypto currency in general. As you guys know, my journey really began last February, in 2021, just as the pandemic was hitting the USA. I had alot of new found free time on my hands, so that's what I did with it. Got into crypto first, and started reading and watching videos non stop. To try and learn everything I could, as fast as I could. My FOMO, was in full hyper mode!! But then that, really opened up my eyes to investing, just in general. I quickly realized how much potential and opportunity there is with crypto. But at the same time, there is some very risky stuff to be aware of as well. Another thing to watch out for is scammers. There are scammers in every walk of life, but these crypto scammers, I have to admit. Are pretty smart and very deceptive! Always be positive your connecting your wallets to the legitimate sites. That was my first ever mistake in the crypto space. Thank God I didn't have much in there, but they got me for 1000 bucks in Ethereum. Another scam I fell for was with and their so called cloud mining contracts! Again, I didn't lose alot, 20 in Bitcoin that time, but still, it was another mistake, and loss of money. Not to mention the loss of time interacting with a scam ultimately! These first 2 mistakes could have easily been avoided too. If I just would have been a little more patient and did a little more research on the 2 places I was interacting with. I rushed into both projects, not doing good DYOR!!! And ended up paying for it!! My last mistake, was even worse!! So stupid and greedy of me! Lol so naive too!! To think people wanted to help me double my Bitcoin so much!! That I just had to send them any amount!! And they would send me double back!! I couldn't believe it, when I first read it!? Double my Bitcoin? Just send it here.... And I get double in return!!!??  I have to try this!! And immediately sent over the 17 bucks in Bitcoin I had on Coinbase, from the Learn and Earn Program, that I had exchangd into Bitcoin!!! Lol And yep!! We all know what happened next!! Lol And why I write this post today. Because I don't want to see any of that stuff happen to anyone. Especially anyone just starting out in the space. Another one I've heard about, but not been involved with, was accepting bad coins?! Or just someones random coins they just came up with? And putting them in your wallet along with your other assets? I heard that could potentially happen? Or clicking on bad links from phishing emails and SMS texts as well? I don't say all this to scare anyone, there are tons of friendly, helpful people in crypto! Just be aware of what your doing and definitely don't put all your eggs in one basket!! Alot of this technology is still very new and vulnerable to a hole list of things. And always!! DYOR!! ALWAYS!!