Solana Mobile Chapter 2 - Early Adopters Window is Closing Soon

Solana Mobile Announces Chapter 2. It is slated for early 2025.   Deposit will be returned if phone not available in your area. 

The Saga genesis token - the non-transferrable NFT that came with each Saga chapter1 device - helped create an unparalleled and community-based distribution channel, enabling one-of-a kind claim experiences along with the Solana dApp Store. While the Saga genesis token is only available on the original Saga devices, there was incredible appetite to reach users using this mechanism.  The BONK Airdrop almost paid for phone by itself.


Everyone who preorders gets a Chapter 2 Preorder Token

Anyone who has preordered Chapter 2 will get the non-transferrable Chapter 2 Preorder Token. Solana Ecosystem teams will be able to use the Element NFTs (with rank categories) and the Chapter 2 Preorder Tokens in connection with their rewards programs.
Solana programs supporting chapter 2 include: Backpack; Tensor. Jupiter; Phantom; Solflare; Magic Eden; Drip; Solend; Helium; Dialect; Step; MonkeDAO