Solana Becomes First Blockchain to Integrate Artificial Intelligence

Solana Foundation, the nonprofit dedicated to maintaining and developing the layer-1 Solana blockchain, has announced that it has integrated artificial intelligence (AI) using a ChatGPT plugin developed by Solana Labs.

The ChatGPT plugin is available as a download from GitHub and ‘serves as a reference for how AI can make it easier to understand Solana data and protocols, or surface data about Solana’s computing infrastructure and DeFi projects.’

The plugin offers a range of functionalities within the Solana ecosystem such as the ability to:

  • Purchase non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Transfer tokens
  • Examine transactions
  • Interpret public account data
  • Search for NFT collections based on their floor prices on the Solana blockchain

These features are expected to enhance the user experience and provide convenient access to various blockchain-related activities on the Solana network.

“Every developer building consumer-oriented apps should be thinking about how their app is going to be interacted with through an AI model because this is a new paradigm for telling computers what to do,” said Solana Co-Founder, Anatoly Yakovenko.

In response to the growing interest and potential in exploring the convergence of the Solana blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), the Solana Foundation has decided to significantly increase its funding for grants in this area. Originally pledging $1 million, the foundation has now expanded its commitment to $10 million and says it has received 50 applications so far.

Solana has also launched a 3-month-long accelerator program specifically designed for university students intended to provide support, mentorship, and resources to a cohort of students who are exploring the intersection of blockchain and AI.

The program received a significant number of applications from various projects and contributors, and one of the outcomes of the AI cohort is the development of an ‘ask Solana U chatbot.’

The Solana ecosystem is also said to be making major strides by leaning into AI and several other projects already utilizing AI technology:

  • The MarginFi team introduced the Omni chatbot to answer questions about Solana and a range of Solana-based projects, including Meteora, Jupiter, Tensor, Mango Markets, Zeta, Kamino, Lido, Orca, and many more.
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