Sol, sol, sol; gimme your sol (and a few other cryptocurrencies)!

Trying to unstake my various cryptocurrencies and/or convert them to Ripple (XRP) in EXODUS is proving to be a nightmare. (I need to put them through an exchange and pull out fiat so that I can pay my bills.) The things that are holding me up are the following:

  • Unstaking ~8.0 Cosmos (ATOM) will take 21 days. I have 7 days before my debits go off.
  • I have too little DAI to exchange or send (I'm short by 28 DAI) and insufficient ETH to pay gas fees. (I need another 0.05 ETH/~$12.)
  • I don't have enough gas (ONG) to withdraw my Ontology (ONT). I need at least 0.1 ONG.
  • I need at least double the amount of Cardano (ADA) I have staked (~40 ADA) in order to unstake it.
  • I need another 0.0135 BCH (~$3.90) in order to have the minimum for exchange. My wallet is sitting at ~$3.58 at time of writing. Another $0.32 will see me through.
  • I need another 3.013 Tezos (XTC) in order to have the minimum to exchange.
  • BAND, BNB, ETH, SOL, ZIL: Too little to exchange or sent. (I need another 0.05 ETH, 0.0104 SOL and 94 ZIL.)
  • I have a client who owes me ~$100.00 and is refusing to pay me until I make more changes to their site, at my cost (and I'm already charging them 50% of what the work ended up being worth), due to poor time estimation and negotiation skills on my part.

Aargh! This is fucking frustrating! I have a few hundred dollars inaccessible/locked away all because I'm short by tens of dollars and can't make that income!

Post thumbnail image: Photo by Anete Lusina from/on