Social Mining Is All You Need (New Hope, New Income)

This week I have taken aim slightly east of last week's Danish post. But Chosen to still stay within the Nordic Countries. The home of this week's band, Poets of the Fall is Finland.

Poets of the Fall

This band is currently celebrating its 20 years anniversary, and while I have not listened to them for all of that time, I have been a fan of theirs for the vast majority of those years. I even remember the exact time when I heard them for the first time. It was while watching a fan-made career retrospective video on the former WWE wrestler Kain. And it was set to one of the band's sounds, Carnival of Rust. And first of all, it just fits the video so effortlessly. And it was edited very well. And probably one of the best fanmade videos to this day I have watched. But the song was one of those that instantly gripped me and I immediately had to look it up after watching the video. What I was greeted by was a bit of a visual feast in the video of the song itself as well. 

Carnival of Rust

The song is taken from the album with the same name and is the band's second album. It is also one of the band's two biggest commercial successes. The song peaked at number 2 on the Finnish charts. 

Lift is the second single from the band's first album, Signs of Life. And it was able to surpass the first single from the album reaching the number 8 spot in Finland. But their first single is probably their more widely known song, even if people probably do not know it is from this band. This is because it was featured in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. The song, entitled "Late Goodbye", was used as the ending theme of the game as well as a recurring motif in the game. But I actually prefer Lift over it. But by all means give Late Godbuy a listen as well, or any other song from the band. =)

While the band has not had many chart-topping singles. Only Carnival of Rust and The Ultimate Fling both reached number 2 in Finland. They have had massive success on the album charts. Daze comes from the band's 6th album titled Jealous Gods. And of the six albums, five of them have held the number 1 spot in Finland, while the fifth album "only" managed to reach a number 3 spot on the album charts. And after this, the band released three more albums, for a total of nine. And of these, they have had one more number 1 spot, and two number 2 spots in the album charts. A pretty good track record if you ask me. One would even say you might get a bit Dazed from looking at it...

I hope that you will like the band as much as I do. And please let me know what you think of them, or if you have any musical tips for me as well.

See you on the interwebs!

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