So you wanna be a crypto-gamer? A Tutorial!

Imagine you knew an all but unknown paradise existed. What would you do to get there? What would you do to get your people there?

I believe that place exists and over the course of this short article I intend to answer all these questions and invite you into a project that means the world to me.

What is crypto-gaming?

Crypto-gaming is the blending of cryptocurrency and video gaming. How these technologies would blend has been something I've been obsessed with since I read Snow Crash[Snow Crash]( a decade ago. For years we have been waiting for these games to reach a place where they were out of the most early phases and feel fun. I'm here to tell you we are finally there.

Who are the crypto-gaming guild?

The crypto-gaming guild are an autonomous group of players who are interested in making money through the games we play and are serious about achieving that dream together. There are no real leaders. People tend to find it through my articles and we have "Game Captains" for each specific game to guide new players along.

You can find out more about The Crypto-Gaming Guild [HERE] !

What are the best places to get started?

This is such a huge subject and I've been trying to answer this question for months. It's always changing and nothing ever feels sure. Each in their own way these games are all collectibles based and the best time to get into games like that is simply "before everyone else". Remember those early Magic the Gathering years, if you were buying alpha starters and still have the cards what came in those packs is almost inconsequential, the timing is what was important.

The time is now and the games that cannot be missed are Splinterlands (tcg), Alien Worlds (timer), Rising Star (timer MMO), Neon District (pre-alpha cyberpunk), Lost Relics (Diablo meets RuneScape), UpLand (virtual real estate), eXode (ambitious space sim), and Dr Who: Worlds Apart.

There is so much to talk about here. To find out more about each of these games click [HERE]( to find my other articles!

What the hell do you mean by a MMM?

To quote my main article on this:

*It seems helpful at this point to demonstrate what a MMM (Modular Money Machine) might look like in practice. For this example, all of the Parts described are made up.

In this example, we are creating a simple income generation engine fueled by games played.

“Satoshi is home and has plenty of free time. They also have a BTC wallet with some funds in it but their main goal is to get as much USD coming into their savings account as possible. Satoshi notices a variety of the websites he already uses might fit together into a MMM and starts to organize them.

Using in funds in his wallet Satoshi is able to set up a virtual mining farm(RC), virtual space mining operation(AW), and virtual pot farm (WF) by signing up for some games and purchasing the necessary NFTs to get started from a NFT Market(NFT M). Once set up, Satoshi has their Hit List of the three websites and, by playing only 10 minutes of each a day, Satoshi is starting to pull in tokens (and occasional NFTs) from the games in question and, through the use of an exchange market (ST) , is able to change the tokens into BTC. Finally, through the use of large established website (CB) Satoshi is able to take the BTC earned from the tokens and swap it for USD which they can send to the savings account (which was the goal here). This machine also has a self-improvement path as the NFTs farmed thought the use of the machine can be used to improve it moving forward (or be sold for tokens to be pushed along the normal path).

This machine is made up of an Source, three Farms, an Exchange, and an Exchange and Off-Ramp in one!

I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions please ask in the comments!

This is awesome! Where can I learn more?

The only answer here is to put in the work. As the opening of this article spoke about the amazing place we are headed is not yet known to most. We plan to reach this place first. I'm here to invite you to walk with us. This is not a path for anyone who is looking to get rick quick. This is a path for those who know real change comes one day at a time and over the course of years.

What would I do to get there?

keep watching and you'll see.

What would I do to get my people there?

I'd put them on my back and walk there. After all, walking this path means playing the games I love, trusting myself, and remaining patient. I invite you along, all of you. Like most games, this is more fun together!