Snoop Dogg "All In" on blockchain based gaming platform, Gala Games

Users of the popular blockchain based play-to-earn (P2E) gaming platform Gala Games got an amazing surprise this evening on their discord server when none other than The Dogg himself decided to drop in and have a voice chat with users of the platform.

Snoop had previously played a live set as Gala's gaming convention in Las Vegas in December and seems to have take a real shine to the project, announcing on the Discord server voice call that he is "all in" on the project and playing their flagship game Townstar.

When questioned about if he wanted a dragon avatar from the upcoming Voxverse game, created by legendary Sims designer Will Wright and soon playable in Townstar, Snoop was very keen about the idea despite the last one selling on OPENSEA for a cool 365 ETH! He continued to tell the users on Discord "I want a dragon, call it Puff the magic dragon!"

Ecstatic Gala gamers are now pushing developers for exclusive Snoop Dogg based NFT's and to be able to grow and use cannabis crops in Townstar.

Gala had already been beating the market, up 40% in the past 24 hours and Snoop's appearance sent the coin running up another 10% when the call ended, continuing a great positive movement.

Since the release of its first P2E game Townstar, Gala Games has grown hugely in popularity with many new games and releases on the way with creators of games such as Farmville, The Sims and the Fable series all on board. Now with Snoop Dogg committing to the project the future looks bright for Gala who are setting themselves up to be the future of the gaming industry.