Smart Farming Could Be A Great Source Of Income

Growing food is the best job in this world I believe. What do you think? In the past agriculture was the main source of income and still it has a good rank in economy. There are many sector of agriculture, but all are about food production. Can you think your life without food? Never for sure. Do you know, every year in the village when crops wasted for flood or for other natural disasters, farmers and their family commit suicide for frustration and the debt.

Whenever you waste food please think about those farmers whose gives their full efforts to grow food and accidentally all crops wasted. Anyway, lets come back to the financial facts of farming. In the past agriculture there was some mistake that mostly became the reason of crop wasting as a result finance of a government and personal finance got affected. Today's world is smart enough to give solution of several problems in farming.

Now farmers are more conscious and smart enough. Most impressive thing is that many educated youngsters showing their interest in farming. Growing is not only a virtue but also something that can bring never ending earning, do you know why the demand of farming will never end? Because food is our basic need and need of it will never end so smart farming can be a smart solution in agriculture.


Now farmers are smart and can prevent insects which affect crops. Vaccines are available for poultry birds and animals like cows, goats and others. Crops in the field to dairy Farm everywhere farmers are now using smart technology and device to detect problems and bringing solution as soon as possible as a result agriculture is now getting a good position in economy. There are many smart apps and websites launched for farmers to help them in farming. No one are regretting for being a farmer even there are many young farmers proud to be a farmer.

Now production of raw products is not bounded in a limit. Buy and sell is available online so smart farmers also have social media page, live product showing videos to convince buyers. There is low risk of rotten raw materials that farmers grow. Smart farmers arrange quick delivery process and they get paid the desired and fair amount for each product.

More involvement of young in it making it more interesting to other young and influencing them to contribute in agriculture, which is surely a positive sign to our finance. Many young farmers making good contacts with foreign clients virtually to export their products or goods to earn foreign currency and it is another good part of smart farming which also contributing to our economy. One more thing I would love to add and that is, my future plan to be a smart farmer beside doing freelancing. Hope I'll be able to learn smart farming and will start it asap.