Smart Chain Leap of Faith

So, a couple days ago I read an article here on PUBLISH0X that introduced me to my new bad habit. Farmhero

Poocoins Information

I'm not much of a gambler, but my half a year in crypto has brought a bit more of it out in me. My single experience with the BINANCE Smart Chain was staking Cake at Pancakeswap. Which, feels safe and it's easy enough, but I've watched my autocake APY nosedive for the last 2 months and I guess I've started to feel somewhat underwhelmed and bored.

Thanks to the article from an author that I can't remember and that I wish I could thank, I was led to Farmhero. The APRs were definitely intriguing. I did my best due diligence: reading the supporting documents

( ) and checking out Reddit and Twitter. I looked over it's audit at and decided with the stagnation in my portfolio, it was time to take a leap of faith.

So, with bated breath, fingers crossed and an irregular heartbeat I put some money into the yield farms for BUSD-HERO. And? So far? It's been magic. Plain freaking amazing!

I don't use MATIC, but that side of Farmhero is very active on Twitter. Do your own research, don't gamble what you can't afford, but at least give it a look over. You might be just as intrigued as I am.


Good luck!