Simple Math, Anarchists and a Herd of Goats Take on BAYC This Week

Simple math by 2+2 Genesis and Divine Child Anarchists by Divine Anarchy are only a portion of the BAYC contenders we’re exploring this week. Read on to find out more about the hottest NFT collections in the space right now. 

Bored Ape Yacht Club has been the trendsetter in the NFT space ever since it launched. However, new projects are constantly batting to take its place at the top. While BAYC will be forever etched in the history of NFTs, new contenders are coming up with creative ways to provide utility and additional benefits to their holders. 

In this week’s NFT Spotlight, we’ll take a look at three largely different collections. First up is 2+2 Genesis, a collection with a very limited mint of only 2000 NFTs. Next up, we have Divine Anarchy, which features some impressive artwork and a vastly ambitious roadmap. And finally, we’ll deep dive into The Real Goat Society, which has taken the NFT community by storm across all social media platforms. Read on to find out why these three collections have the potential to take on BAYC.

Simple math by 2+2 Genesis

2+2 Genesis is a collection of 2000 NFTs depicting simple math equations. This project is inspired by an Albert Einstein quote: “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” Each NFT in the collection represents a simple math equation of two numbers. Interestingly, rarity is determined by the numbers involved in the equation. The lower the value of the numbers, the rarer the NFT is. Consequently, the simple math 0+0=0 NFT is considered the rarest of the whole collection. 

With more than 36.000 Discord members, the 2+2 community is growing rapidly. According to kale_abe, one of the collection’s creators, scarcity is the main reason for this growth. When establishing 2+2, the team wanted to create a highly limited edition collection. The idea being to attract investors with a certain degree of financial security. 

In the introductory video for the project, kale_abe explains that the main reason to seek out wealthier collectors is to secure the longevity of the collection, and to create a so-called “iron floor”. While only about 1400 wallets have 2+2 Genesis NFTs in them, the collection’s main principles have attracted a large group of fans. 

According to @kale_abe, 2+2 Genesis was built to mimic the CyberKongz Genesis collection. With the same ideas in mind, the team behind 2+2 plans to launch numerous benefits for 2+2 holders. These could include token and NFT airdrops as well as other utilities. 

2+2 Genesis has generated more than $11 million in trading volume in the past seven days, an impressive achievement. Considering the fact that only about 2.000 trades were recorded, this makes the average transaction for a 2+2 NFT cost about $5500. At the time of writing, the floor price for a 2+2 NFT is 0.65 ETH. To learn more about the 2+2 Genesis drop and the community behind it, check out the links below. 

Immersive gaming by Divine Anarchy

Divine Anarchy is a collection of 10.011 unique NFTs representing in-game characters in the upcoming game of the same name. This is one of the most ambitious projects we’ve seen recently, with a huge focus on community governance and utility for holders. The Divine Anarchy team has set out on a journey to create a truly community-owned game. The goal is to allow players to choose the story, characters, and path forward.

Notably, the Divine Anarchy NFT collection is the first step on a long road to making the game a reality. With nine different bloodlines, the collection offers a wide variety of characters to choose from. The main idea moving forward is that the battle between these bloodlines will lay the foundation for the game. The bloodlines also have a role to play in the rarity of the NFTs forming the collection. 

Despite a somewhat troublesome mint, which saw community members losing significant amounts of money on gas fees without receiving an NFT, Divine Anarchy has attracted a huge following. With more than 119.000 Discord members, the collection is enjoying waves of attention from NFT and gaming fans alike. 

In order to compensate fans who lost out during the initial mint, the team decided to airdrop a subsequent collection. It is called Divine Dilemma and will be distributed to users affected by gas wars. This is a noble decision on the devs part, as gas wars are one of the biggest problems with Ethereum-based collections. 

Currently, the floor price for a Divine Anarchy NFT sits at 0.25 ETH. However, rarer pieces have a significantly bigger price tag. The mint price for one Divine Anarchy NFT was 0.09 ETH giving even collectors selling at the floor price a pretty nice return on investment. However, considering the heaps of utility these NFTs will have once the game goes live, not too many of the holders are keen to let go of their Children of Anarchy easily. 

To find out more about Divine Anarchy, check out the links below. You can browse through a fan wallet or even purchase a Child of Anarchy yourself. 

A touch of Hollywood with The Real Goat Society

Lastly, in this week’s NFT Spotlight, we’ll take a look at The Real Goat Society. This is a collection of 10.000 unique NFTs aiming to pay tribute to the real GOATs of our time. GOAT stands for “Greatest Of All Time”, and this attention-grabbing collection pays its respects to the celebrities and influential people who are shaping our society. From Lady Gaga through LeBron James to Abraham Lincoln and Budha, The Real Goat Society pays tribute to GOATs that shaped the world. 

Interestingly, only 9000 GOAT NFTs are generative, while the remaining 1000 are hand-drawn and represent the rarest NFTs in the collection. The Real Goat Society aims to create a solid community by introducing numerous perks for holders. First and foremost, TRGS holders gain access to an exclusive group where investors from all over the world meet to chat together. Additionally, holders will benefit from airdrops. These can include tickets to major events like sports games, movie premiers, award ceremonies, and music festivals.

Another important feature of the collection are Summoning Events. According to the official roadmap, collectors who own at least three GOAT NFTs will be able to burn them in exchange for one of the rare or iconic GOAT NFTs left. For the moment, it isn’t clear when these Summoning Events will occur. However, this is an excellent opportunity to get your hands on a rarer NFT from The Real Goat Society.

Considering the appearance and design of the NFTs, the collection quickly attracted a lot of attention on social media. With more than 12.000 Twitter followers and upwards of 36.000 Discord members, The Real Goat Society is on its way to creating a tight-knit community. 

At the time of writing, the floor price for a TRGC NFT is 0.12 ETH. While this might not sound too impressive, the collection has already recorded more than $4.5 million in trading volume. With a compelling and attractive design and lucrative perks for holders, The Real Goat Society has positioned itself as a true BAYC competitor. If you want to learn more about the project or even get a GOAT NFT yourself, check out the links below. 

Can simple maths and a herd of goats take BAYC’s crown?

For the time being, Bored Ape Yacht Club seems to be unbeatable. With recent events like the first-ever Ape Fest BAYC is steadily nested in NFT lovers’ hearts. 

However, innovative approaches like the ones 2+2 Genesis, Divine Anarchy, and The Real Goat Society employ are the way to go. A trend has emerged showing that a simple profile picture NFT is no longer enough to make it to the top. Constantly upgrading and bringing more utility to collectors is the way to go. It doesn’t matter if this happens through an upcoming game, future token airdrops, or free tickets to concerts. The important thing is that NFT collectors are now looking for community and utility more than ever. 

The three collections we presented this week all take different approaches to this. However, all of them have a serious level of utility for holders. While BAYC remains the gold standard in this sense, new collections are becoming more inventive in their approach.

DappRadar will continue monitoring the NFT space. Especially, as artists and developers figure out new ways to bring benefits to their collectors. Stay tuned and follow DappRadar on Twitter and Discord to find out which three contenders we’ll look at next week’s NFT Spotlight.