Simple Bits - Passive Income - Free Play to Earn

Simple Bit is a super neat website where you can build your mining empire, collecting all kinds of rare and powerful miners, without requiring you to purchase actual GPU's. Earn all the crypto with non of the power usage!

While looking into ways to establish a passive income stream online, I came across the concept of faucets and the concept of play to earn games. I found 3 websites that combine the two concepts, being both crypto faucets and crypto play to earn games. They mimic crypto mining, requiring no actual gpu/cpu power from the user while still paying out real crypto. Those three websites are:

Simple Bits

Bitcoin Mania Game


Each of these games have two ways to play:

Free to Play

Choose not to invest any money into the games, but make money yourself nonetheless. Each of these websites have ways to make money without spending money including faucets, games, offerwalls, and surveys. Pick one, some, or all of those options to begin earning on the website, then use those earnings to get even more earnings by purchasing a miner in the game. Miners will secure you part of the Network Power, hence part of the Block Reward. Once each block is mined, you get paid with the amount being dependent on your portion of the Network Power, just like with real crypto mining. Once you have some miners set up, you secure yourself passive income. The miners will earn you money without you having to do anything! 

I have chosen the free to play route for Bitcoin Mania GameSimple Bits and I have been very happy with the results. Because I am free to play, I do not have a huge income stream set up on these websites, however it is consistent earnings that I can't complain about .

Pay and Play

If you would like to increase you earnings and increase the amount of passive income you are making, you can choose to invest in the game. By investing in each of the games, you are able to purchase more miners and better miners, hugely increasing your personal power, which greatly increases your share of the Network Power, and Block Reward. One thing to keep in mind if choosing to spend money is, KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR SALES/SPECIAL OFFERS. You can get wayyy more of a bang for your buck if you are patient and wait for a good deal or special sale. Doing this increase your earnings, and therefore your ROI.

I have chosen the pay and play route for Rollercoin because I have found that to be engaging and I like the websites interface. I have been able to get much more power for my money than I should have by buying a season pass and playing the market. I highly recommend doing the same.


Overall I have to say I am a fan of these websites. They allow one to generate passive income in a fun and engaging way. These three sites have been the best I have found for this type of website, so if the idea sounds interesting to you, check them out.

Check out these websites for yourself:

Simple Bits:

Bitcoin Mania Game:


As always, I hope you found some information in this post useful and I appreciate you taking the time to read it. If you have any questions/thoughts/concerns about anything mentioned here or just want to chat feel free to connect with me.

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