Secretum Messenger: First Decentralized, Encrypted Messaging App to Come on Solana

Messaging apps have become a global phenomenon, with over 3.6 billion users accessing them globally. Nowadays, an average person sends 72 messages per day. WhatsApp is channeling more than 100 billion messages every day, while the number is around 205 million for WeChat video messages.

While the popularity is increasing, it comes with more concerning issues. Issues like cyber theft, privacy violations, and hacked personal data are also getting more common. The primary reason behind the issue is how messaging apps work, how they are designed and how they are managed. Here are several primary reasons why privacy issues happen:

  • The majority of the messaging apps ask users to submit sensitive data, like name, date of birth, and phone number. 
  • WhatsApp’s database of numbers has quite often been misused to spread fake news and misinformation
  • The apps store the messaging data on the cloud, which is not encrypted, exposing it to vulnerabilities.
  • Several apps use personal information for unethical purposes. Facebook shared the data acquired from WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger with advertisers.
  • Governments have also acquired worldwide surveillance operations on WhatsApp via spyware.

Here are some high-profile events that highlight the size and occurrence of such issues:

  • The European Union fined WhatsApp €255 million because the company violated data sharing and data processing guidelines.
  • Telegram, which many consider a safer alternative to WhatsApp, faced a huge data leak last August. The personal information of more than 500 million users was compromised.

Even Facebook Messenger lost personal data of more than 530 million Facebook Messenger, including phone numbers and email addresses, to hackers this April.

Even then, upcoming messaging apps platforms aren’t solving the issues effectively. Signal, which may be a superior alternative to Telegram and WhatsApp, also utilizes cloud-based framework architecture, allowing non-encrypted messages to non-users.

A plausible solution to such issues lies in blockchain technology. Communication tech experts from Lithuania have already created a solution that addresses the problems faced by global messaging platforms – Secretum

Secretum is the world’s first exclusively decentralized and encrypted messaging application developed on Solana. The app gives users hassle-free, safe, and direct messaging with significant technological advantages. Some of these include:

  • There won’t be any moderators and servers with comprehensive end-to-end encryption for every message shared by users.
  • Message information data or file is not stored in a centralized space or on cloud storage. The app will use trusted and nodes that are verified in the blockchain.
  • Users can only sign up with crypto wallet addresses. It will not ask for names, birthdates, or other sensitive information, offering complete anonymity.

Moreover, Secretum lets users trade peer-to-peer fungible and non-fungible cryptocurrency assets in a cost-friendly way, bypassing multiple exchanges. Solana, the quickest Blockchain network, helps Secretum access high block speeds and low gas fees to join a successful ecosystem that has 400+ global projects.

The app is expected to revolutionize the way users interact through instant messaging, creating a safer, reliable, more user-friendly experience. Secretum has the ability to evolve into a worldwide known and utilized platform. The messaging app can achieve the ubiquity of Telegram or WhatsApp, minus their weaknesses.