Screw you Ethereum! I'm Going Home!

        Thanks to PublishOx's recent adoption of Fantom Network's Statera coin i decided to check out the network. I started with the dApps SpookyswapBeethoven X. Im impressed with what ive found. I higly recommend checking out Beethoven X's yield farming pools. 

     I decided im done with Ethereum. The gas prices are (excuse my language) Fuuuuuucking ridiculous. So this is the last damn time. Im eating the gas fees to move all of my ether assets to the Fantom network. I really wish I wouldve never messed with Ethereum network. The gas prices I have payed moving assets leaves a bad taste it my mouth. Kinda tastes like bullshit, really. I dont understand why it costs so much when Fantom's gas fees are virtually invisible. 

  Thank you, I feel better now.