Scrambled Thoughts #18


If the incentives are to appear "weaker", employers lay off more employees to get more "stimulus" sit on their asses and make more money.

Employees obviously prefer to not work and get paid for not doing it.

What does the "law" maker want?

Massive dependency on a governing class.

They're hell-bent on maintaining their shameful actions secret, rule manipulation power, and incredible undeserving wealth they steal from the working class every hour of every day.

Dependency breeds slaves. 

#Bitcoin gives back choices that are being "regulated" away like they're nothing...

Imagine getting together 100,000 people and really "protest" in front of government buildings and central banks...    


 "Vaccine Rapid Strike Force"


I will tell you what I think is most likely to happen.

If you are unvaccinated, you are about to get blamed for this pandemic.

You're going to start seeing vaccinated people suffer as they keep taking their shots you will see them in pain and you will see death up close. Take a deep breath, be strong, keep educating yourself, always. Don't succumb to any other logic but your own.

Everything will be connected to your digital identity starting in 2022.

The first thing you will see is the "digital dollar" ( CBDC ) so now if you don't want or can't "comply" there is an off switch on your financial life

say the last vaccine didn't make you feel well, and you don't want to take the next, well, if there is a mandate and you can't go anywhere and you can't work, it means you have no choice but to take it now, even if you feel like the next one is going to kill you.

Now you can't go anywhere and you can't spend money anywhere... 

It is beyond me how people cannot see it is way past a virus, and it's much more about control and money as it always has been throughout time. 


Stand your ground. Speak up against tyranny. Fight for your freedom. If for living one more day on your terms. Get on knees for no one and nothing.

BE your own master. 

Even if your enemy seems indestructible, I assure you, they are not.

Every person has a "complete" version of themselves in their mind, you're it. Start by becoming who you NEED to be.

Get educated.

I find the regime illegal, immoral, an existential threat to all, and must be replaced with a completely new model. I go with God in resisting Tyranny in all its forms.


For those paying attention...