Scolcoin Wei Chain, the first Latin American blockchain network

Scolcoin is a cryptocurrency born in Colombia, with the aim of generating a positive impact on society and the environment. His name comes from the acronym of Social Colombian Coin, which reflects his vision of being a social and supportive currency.

The project was born with the objective of supporting the most vulnerable sectors of Colombian society, such as displaced, refugees, indigenous people, peasants and young people, allocating a part of their issuance to social projects that sought to improve the quality of life of life of These populations.SCOLCOIN

  • Currency name: Scolcoin
  • Currency abbreviation: scol
  • Algorithm: Scrypt
  • Hybrid Type: Pow/Pos
  • Total Supply: 80,000,000
  • Genesis Block: 3/01/2018
  • Pos percentage: 3% per year / 10% after block 2,000,000

On March 17, 2023, the main network of the new block chain called Scolcoin Wei Chain was launched, being fully compatible with all Ethereum contracts and DAPPs, web3, Gamefi, Metaverse, intelligent contract, defi and the set of Ethereum tools and EVM chains; using a POA consensus system that can admit a short block time and lower rates. The most linked staking validators will become validators and produce blocks. Double sign detection and another cutting logic guarantee the safety, stability and purpose of the chain.

More information: Web pageMonitoring to be continue...