Satoshiverse Transforms Its NFTs to Wearables in Decentraland

Santoshiverse has transformed its NFTs into Linked Wearables, making the concept a reality of carrying a non-fungible token to Decentraland. The feature was first pitched in April due to a DAO proposal through a tutorial. It is only now that interoperability has become a reality in Decentraland.

Linked Wearables originate from outside Decentraland. They are 3D representations of various non-fungible tokens that are separate from those in the traditional list. Linked Wearables do not have a rarity, and they cannot be sold on the primary or secondary marketplace. Benefits that make Linked Wearables worth the wait are:-

  • Its increased usability
  • The social aspect with a sense of belonging
  • Providing growth assistance to projects

Usability goes up a notch as owners of an NFT are allowed to wear the digital asset and show it off in the virtual world. An added benefit of increased usability is the opportunity to grow the project.

The higher the number of people who come across a brand, the more awareness is spread in the digital world. Decentraland has an average of 500k monthly users. A brand can leverage the number to ensure that its name gets noticed.

NFT owners can organize events and meet other owners as a social aspect of Linked Wearables. Socializing comes in handy when the community decides to host an event or set up an HQ.

Nico Rajco, the dApps Product Manager at the Decentraland Foundation, said it was an incredible experience to be a part of the team behind Linked Wearables. Noci Rajco added that he was able to try the experience first hand, giving him early access to the future of metaverse.

Third parties have lined up to grab the chance to grow their business through Decentraland. The estimates are yet to be made public, but one thing is sure the brand recognition will become much higher as new communities get on board.

Nick, a Co-Founder of Satoshiverse, expressed his excitement about the project stating that it was a combination of all his passions that brought him to the team of Decentraland and Satoshiverse.

Nick said that one of the upsides to the project is its social component under which users can meet each other and socialize. They can also wear a collection and show it off while walking around. Hosting an event is truly a future potential of the platform, quoted Nick adding that the team was now working to construct an HQ in Decentraland.

The future could experience music streaming and other cool stuff for the community. Decentraland provides a great opportunity for people to access a touch point to the Satoshiverse. Nick said in the interview that he was hopeful of providing more ways for the community to engage and welcome new communities through the collection.