Ronin Chain Successfully Integrates with Covalent

Covalent announced that they have integrated with Ronin Chain helping developers to have complete access towards top-quality build dApps. The systematic indexing and query system of Covalent allows developers to have more speed and start building with just a few clicks.

Axie Infinity, leading play-to-earn NFT video games is based in the Blockchain sector and was designed exclusively for Ronin, a sidechain having Ethereum. Because of the game’s rapid expansion, network congestion became a problem, prompting the development of the Ronin chain by the Axie Infinity team. Ronin offers a long-term solution for making the Axie game and economy run well.

Key Features

  • Reduction on gas fees
  • Simplifying on-boarding of new users
  • Block explorer for data access

Axie Infinity- A Revolutionary product

Axie Infinity is the product of game creator Sky Mavis, and was launched in the year 2018, amid the bear market, enjoyed spectacular growth as a result of its play-to-earn concept, which has changed the gaming industry. Axie Infinity currently has 1 million active players and is the leading Blockchain game.

How users can earn money through it?

Sell game items called Smooth Love Potions (SLP): Smooth Love Potions- an in-game item that players may cultivate to sell. They are one of the needed ingredients for breeding Axies. Fighting monsters, fighting other players, and completing daily assignments and quests are all ways to earn SLPs.

Breeding and Selling Axies: Players can make children by breeding any of the two Axies in the game. If you end up breeding a unique Axie, you may sell it for a decent price on the market. In the year 2020, one Axie called Angel sold for $130,000 USD.

If you’re new to the game, you should know that not every Axies is equally prepared. The majority of Axies are weak, except a handful that are powerful, and they are the most desired. Scarcity is created by the fact that each Axie can only be bred a certain amount of times. In the marketplace, people can also make money by buying and selling Axies.

Axie Infinity gamers in countries like Ghana and the Philippines may earn a stable income from the game. In many circumstances, gamers may make more than several times the national minimum wage.

About Covalent

Covalent uses big-data technology that can make sense to billions of data points, providing investors with actionable insights and helping developers to focus resources on higher-value objectives within companies. Covalent gathers data from hundreds of sources, including nodes and data feeds, rather than obtaining data from a small number of chains.

About Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity acts as a cosmos allowing users to earn tokens via competent gaming and ecosystem contributions. Players may use their pets to fight, acquire, grow, and develop a land-based empire.

Third parties may readily access art assets and Axie genetic data, allowing developers to create tools also get all experiences in the Axie Infinity realm.