Rollercoin - Stars and Stripes mini event

I've been kind of inactive on Hive lately, aside from my usual posting routine, and there's a reason for that. This Sunday, all Orthodox people around the world are celebrating Easter, and although I am not a religious person, I started doing that on Friday...

What can I say... I am sometimes that boring dude sitting at a table's corner, and other times I'm quite a party boy. This weekend, party was my middle name... And the weekend isn't even officially over.

I have been in crypto for over five years, and to be honest, I am a bad crypto investor. But despite that, I have not quit this space, and I don't feel like doing that anytime soon. I have lost money and missed opportunities over the years, and that's definitely part of my personal growth process.

I talk about crypto very often. I blog about it on a daily basis, and I always bring it up for discussion, no matter the circumstances. Last night, while partying, we, at some point, ended up talking about crypto as well, aside from other crap we were rambling about, and at a table of six, there were four of us who own crypto.

We didn't have this level of so-called adoption during the past "bull market warmup phase". So, while talking about Bitcoin, the halving, Ethereum, the Shanghai upgrade, future potential tops, and time frames, at some point, one of the dudes who has not yet been red-pilled in crypto said that he can't see himself ever buying Bitcoin or anything related.

And that's when we (the coiners) got triggered...

Each one of us had his narrative trying to convince the dude that he should own some crypto. My best way of convincing him that my "crypto is not palpable" narrative was just crap was to make him see the fact that his Facebook identity was somehow an extension of his real-life one.

I don't have a Facebook account; it's been close to six years since I ditched that shit, but I know many are still using it, and their personal lives are highly entangled with their digital existence. Some are finding it hard to live without the social media app I'm talking about.

But their stories, the ones that they choose to live solely in the digital world, often have no reach outside the online realm of Facebook, Instagram, or whatever. There's nothing palpable about a Facebook identity, but it is there, nevertheless.

The same goes for crypto; it is not palpable. You can't compare it with physical gold, real estate, classic cars, paintings, or whatever asset you can think of, but blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are the foundation of an economy/society that only exists in the digital realm.

I often like to call Hive a society because there's so much taking place here...

Anyway, the idea is that after each one of us shared his story with crypto to our non-coiner fellow, "he promised" to buy some crypto once he gets his hands on the next paycheck... One of us recommended him to buy DOGE... But that's a story for a future post. I am "over and out for now."

I wish you all a great Sunday ahead and see you tomorrow.

Thanks for your attention,