RMPL Cradle Launch and Cheat sheet for elastic tokens

RMPL is a DeFi protocol with an elastic supply model. The total supply changes via a mechanism known as Rebase but it happens randomly and the exact date and time is not known beforehand. This prevent price manipulation and bots exploitation. I have summarized with my experience the important rules that one should follow to make insane gains on elastic token such as RMPL.


Rule 1: Never sell after rebase happens, holders hold, buyers buy. This will drive price up. New buyers can get tokens at cheaper rate.

Rule 2: Your wallet balance before and after rebase is always same (positive or negative rebase), only the no. of token changes, not the wallet balance. if people buy after rebase then your balance increases.

For example: 100 tokens at 2 USD = 200 USD (Before Rebase)

After rebase say, tokens double, USD half, then 200 tokens at 1 USD = 200 USD

but after rebase if holders hold and new buyers buy, then the price of the token increases, say 1.5 USD, Therefore, 200 tokens *1.5 USD = 300 USD (New Balance)

Rule 3: After positive rebase, tokens increase by the some amount, and price drops by the same amount, market cap (MC) or balance remains same, only when people buy after positive rebase, MC and wallet balance increase.

Rule 4: Same thing in negative rebase, tokens decrease, price increases, wallet balance before and after negative rebase remain same.

Rule 5: If your % of market share at 20 million MC is 1%, even after negative rebase, it will always remains 1%, when MC goes down, 1% of lower MC is a smaller pie, but when the MC is 20 million again, you will be back where you were, and if the MC becomes 100 million, you will still own 1% of 100 million, a bigger pie. So, instead of no. of RMPL tokens or price, look at the MC (on Coingecko for example). You will always own the same % of MC. The current MC while writing the post is 8.7 million (based on Coingecko), therefore, if you enter now and HOLD, the growth potential is immense.

Rule 6: Just hold and get rebased, 10 digit market cap will be soon, that is 1 billion, you will still own the same % of 1 billion, that you own right now, when you entered in RMPL. Now imagine the potential of the project.

THE KEY IS TO "HODL and become a whale". And, Cradle is a perfect platform to do it. Earn rewards while you're holding your babies, and in meantime, keep this cheat sheet with you and follow the price chart to understand how the elastic tokens market works.

Don't forget to follow RMPL Official Social media handles.

Where to stake your RMPL-ETH UNI-V2 pair: https://rmpl.io/cradle/

How to stake Youtube Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=YDqR9Es5DRY&feature=emb_logo

Telegram: https://t.me/RMPLTG

Website: https://Rmpl.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RmplDefi