Review Of The current surface basics


I was on a rant ??, it's funny. It was about how cryptocurrencies are doing the rescues around the world although people are still skeptical about decentralised currencies. The people are slowly starting to understand that cryptocurrencies are similar but very different just like people,neach one has their own uniqueness that no other has. Let's take the bitcoin for instance, it is the brave-heart of all assets on the market. It stood out on top of all assets including the futures and stocks, the last of the contenters to be thrown out of the ring by bitcoin was gold. Gold the dearest. 


Critics have been heard going on like critics go on that bitcoin will get nowhere, at the time of this post bitcoin is chilling at a cool $19K + and that's not all, this time it's backed up by millionaires and billionaires, whales. That's the speciality of bitcoin that it has gained the trust of those loyal to it and it continues picking up momentum to surpass the $20K resistance. Other than bitcoin, there are over 4K other cryptocurrencies that are known and traded plus more that are upcoming ready to challenge bitcoin itself. These cryptocurrencies are taking over all industries everywhere because of the usability and flexibility of the blockchains, easily manipulated to fortify as needed, once that's done the smart contracts are almost unbreakable. 


It's a beautiful thing seeing the advancements that we have reached to date. It's a matter of grasping certain ideas but the world today is so advanced that we don't have to lift a finger to do anything. Self driving cars, practically everything, can be set up to have as little involvement as possible and still yield the utmost efficiency. We already have these creations, it's a matter of time before they connect. Soon we will have one manned drones all over the place due to the need of social distancing. The pandemic is another huge contributer to how the world will evolve to get more involved with blockchains. As we still get news of more lockdowns it's inevitable that people will start coming up with ingenous ways to make life much better suited for the lockdowns. From the food to the services that one requires, all these in times of lockdown would be much better automated. The reason for these automations is clear, which is the same reason for the revolutions that have taken place over time. To bring forth a better stronger humanity but now there is a tug of war. This tug of war dissolves in the blockchains, at least I'd like to think so, in the coming years the blockchains advancements will bring forth so much progress that even the most vulnerable one's will not be able to function without it meaning that it will be the much awaited solution, why? Because it is decentralised. DeFi!




Supreme love and light


Current constellation positions


+ Waxing Gibbous in Aries ?

+ Mercury X Venus in Scorpio

+ Neptune in Pisces

+ Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn in Capricorn

+ Mars in Aries ?

+ Uranus in Taurus


Bless up!


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