Reasons I'm Hodling Ultra (UOS)

About 10 months ago, I made a post with reasons why I was buying Ultra (UOS) (See Original Post). Things have been heating up a bit lately with the NFT hype which made UOS go from 0.045$ back when I stacked up to 0.66$ right now which is almost a 15x. These are the main reasons I continue Hodling my UOS ... (UOS) is basically an application ecosystem first for the games industry and later for the broader entertainment industry. It includes a games distribution platform (like Steam) and has live streaming integrated (Theta). The technology allows way more revenue streams for both the developers and the gamers compared to the existing platforms withNFTS and many more other functions. To see more details on the basics, check my post on the Reasons I was buying Ultra in the first place back in April last year.

Looking at the chart there has been a long accumulation zone where I made the original post on UOS on April 28th last year, followed by a breakout and a retest making old resistance into support. Recently there was another big run to the upside which was mainly due to both the NFT hype along with getting carried by the price increase on Enjin. Right now is the time to pull the trigger on taking some profit or continuing to hodl my bag...

Reasons I Hodl UOS


1. Real NFT Usecase

NFTs are often criticized for being nothing more than a screenshot especially when it comes down to the art stuff. The digital games themselves are the NFTs in and they can be programmed by the developers how they like. This allows digital games to be sold on the 2nd hand market with a royalty flowing back each time to the developer in a very customizable way. They can for example make it so that games can't be traded the first 100 days with a minimum price they have to be sold for also choosing the cut they will receive.

A good example is a game developer selling a limited amount of their game as an NFT let's say at 100k copies at 10$ setting the price of the game to be sold on the 2nd hald market for at least 20$ with a 40% cut going to them. This would create a rush for the game to be sold giving the devs instant earnings and a lot of potential for continued earnings from royalties afterward.

2. influencer Revenue Stream

Developers will also be able to give a cut to those who are promoting their game bringing more players on board directly on the Ultra Platform. This will allow streamers for example to directly earn for all the people they bring in by playing a certain game on their stream.

3. Solution Gold Farmers

Games that allow in-game items to be sold often are hit with farming bots that ruin the economy and have to be combatted in one way or another. On Ultra, in-game items or currencies can be programmed so money flows back to the developer on each sale making it into a feature instead of a problem.

Imagine in a game like Splinterlands but where every time a card or the Dark Energy Crystals in-game currency was sold, part of the price that was paid flows back to the team or even the person that bought a pack. This would bring a constant revenue stream and a lot less pressure to keep printing more cards.

4. Market Cap

When looking at the market caps of something like THETA (7.6 Billion) and Enjin (2.1 Billion), they are just a far away from the 184 Million market cap Ultra currently has show there still is a lot of growth potential. What they have and bring (at least in my view) also really solves a problem no other project solves right now without there being any kind of hype around it yet.

5. ...


For more info on the project, I can highly recommend a recent interview with the team for a more extensive break down of the Project

If I didn't have any UOS right now, I would most likely start FOMO cost-averaging my way in even after the most recent pump. This makes me very comfortable just holding on to the bag I bought way back last year instead of taking profit trying to buy back in after a correction with the danger of missing if the price continues to go higher. There is no guarantee whatsoever but UOS is one of those gambles I'm more than willing to make seeing huge potential on the problem they intend to solve. Don't take any of this as financial advice, I'm just sharing what I am doing myself and you should do your own research!

Other Project I covered and invested in before

  • Reasons I'm Hodling PRPS
  • Reasons I'm Buying SBET (
  • A Closer Look Into Miners (LEOM)
  • A Closer Look Into (SPT)
  • Splinterlands | Reasons DEC Price Will Go Up +33%
  • Splinterlands | Reasons I'm Buying More Cards & DEC
  • Reasons I'm Buying Ultra (UOS)
