Real World Assets and their real world utilities

Real world assets as a means of tokenizing physical assets are (to me) a technology ahead of times.

Like other innovations it has several setbacks especially the ones bothering on the issues of trust.

Collateralizing these assets is a big boost to borrowing and lending liquidity for people who own these asset and needs liquidity.

So in my conclusion, RWA is ahead of it's time, but it has find utility and is a technology that will stand girl even though it is not in it's prime.

They are simply a tokenization of anything that can exist outside the Blockchain, be it a a piece of land, a flight ticket, a house, an intellectual property.... anything.

And owning this token backed by a Real world asset, gives your ownership to the asset. 

One benefit of this is that, RWA can serve as collateral for loan but there is a bigger fish deep down the ocean of RWA, and it has a big boost it can give to Blockchain, guess what it is ...?


Trust is a major issue in influencer marketing, ensuring transparency and authenticity of the product is a burden the customer expects the influencer to bear. With RWA, marketers can tokenize the products influencers promote, and these tokens represent the ownership of those items. The followers can easily verify the authenticity and ownership of what they want to spend their money by checking the Blockchain, and remember, the Blockchain is immutable.

And there you go, trust is built between both parties. 

Another advantage of RWA is as a means of reward in loyalty program.

Some companies have reward system that offer customers reward in form of bonuses, with RWA, these bonuses can be tokenized making them more tradable and transparent.

Customers will therefore have better grasp of the worth of their reward and trading these rewards will be effortless, creating a better customer-company engagement.

RWA can also ensure market research data collected from customers are accurate when these customers are rewarded for sharing their data.