Reaching out to the Community I love

Last year my wife and I were sitting at a red light talking about our oldest sons when a minivan crashed into us from behind, driven by a DWLR driver who shouldn't have been behind the wheel.

From that day forward we have fought to get this settled, only to have the insurance company try to weasel out of their responsibilities and stretch a open and shut case into over a year of suffering for our family.

We have reached out to our local community and have done everything we can imagine to make ends meet, but time is running out and our resources are dried up.

We are also trying to make Beta Syndicate work, but we are owed so much money from people, we have almost given up. I just believe in this thing we call Blockchain and believe there are great people on here who can help us!

If you can help, we would truly appreciate it!

Igor, please allow this post, it would help us escape potentially losing a roof over our head and get back on our feet!

We are a large family that has met some unique problems that we can't overcome. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me!