Rainmaker Games Brings $RAIN to PolkaStarter

Rainmaker Games recently announced its IDO (intial decentralized offering) without any specific release date. In addition, the venture also announced adding $RAIN to the Polkastarter ecosystem.

The free platform offers hundreds of play-to-earn games to users globally. These titles connect guilds, games, and gamers globally via the $RAIN token. As a free P2E portal, Rainmaker helps users play, learn, connect, and earn.

Users can access its solutions regardless of their experience and earnings. It acts as a one-stop station with functionalities like chatting, earning, and learning. Besides the primary play-to-earn gaming model, Rainmaker allows players to gain more benefits via the $RAIN token.

The token serves multiple purposes, including acting as a major source of utility within the Rainmaker in-game ecosystems. Moreover, users can stake the token in liquidity pools to earn more tokens.

In addition, the token opens governance rights to users, allowing them to submit new proposals and vote. With such functionalities, the platform has achieved multiple impressive feats. Some of them are:

  • Raised 6,500,000 dollars 
  • Total Assets Under Management: 1,041,998 dollars
  • Current monthly revenue passed 300,000 dollars
  • Active Team members: 823
  • AXIE’s + Treasury: 177,848 dollars
  • Active Scholars under Training: 2061

The platform has always proactively participated in healthy, engaged, and active community interested in GameFi, $RAIN, Metaverse, and P2E games. Thus, a partnership with Polkastarter appears to be a natural decision.

The upcoming IDO is already gaining traction in the industry, especially among institutional investors. Polkastarter has also proven its reliability as a completely decentralized protocol for new projects. It has helped several promising ventures reach end-users across the globe. Its partnership with Rainmaker Games is expected to yield similar results as well.