Radix Programmer's Guild Updates

The soft launch of the Radix Programmer's Guild (aka RadGuild) is underway. Here are some news items.

RadGuild Organizing Activities

  • RadGuild discord reorganized. Roles added. Initial projects outlined.
  • Forty members invited and onboarded. Scored activities are underway.
  • RadGuild Twitter account is up and active. @rad_guild has 93 followers.
  • RadGuild organization is up on GitHub. (See below.) Initial repos and projects added.
  • RadGuid YouTube channel is up. First video posted. (See below.)
  • Provisional vision statement and more is up at https://www.radguild.org and hosted via GitHub Pages.

The vision statement and other supporting material needs a lot more work. Also an actual website for RadGuild is still needed.

Rust & Scrypto Forum Gaining Steam

  • Free Forum rebranded and reorganized. Roles added.
  • Over 300 members have signed up. Here is a discord invite
  • Initial interactive screenshare sessions conducted.
  • Server was boosted by Stuart at RadixPool to improve audio and video.
  • First forum event scheduled for Saturday November 20th, 2021 at 1600 UTC.

This free training Forum is a major asset of the RadGuild. RadGuild is an invitation-only group. The main way that new talent is spotted that may be ready to contribute to RadGuild is by monitoring the forum and especially the introductions channel. RadGuild members can gain reputation by helping out people in the forum with questions about Rust or Scrypto.

Revup Programming Tool Released

  • Revup repo transferred to RadGuild organization on GitHub.
  • Highest priority issues and merged.
  • Initial user experiences are positive.
  • YouTube video introducing revup

Revup is a free programming tool to help Scrypto developers speed up their work. It is the first official product of the Radix Programmer's Guild. Guild member Ruben came up with the idea and name and created the initial working prototype. Other Guild members helped update and improve it. There are plans to further improve and extend the tool as well as keep it up to date as the Scrypto development environment evolves.

Those are the highlights. Coming soon is the official launch of the Radix Programmer's Guild. Get your online wallets warmed up because the launch will include the details you need to support our work through donations and sponsorships.

(Photo by Daniel Eliashevsky from Pexels)