PureStake begins staking services on Kusama in prep for Polkadot

PureStake, a leader in secure and reliable blockchain infrastructure, announced today the release of its new validator services for Kusama, a network built using Polkadot technology.

Validators serve a critical function on delegated Proof of Stake networks, ensuring block production and security of the network is maintained. PureStake’s validators provide a secure and reliable service to network participants looking to earn rewards on their crypto assets.

“Our Validator service for Kusama is the first of several planned infrastructure services in the Polkadot ecosystem. Polkadot and Substrate dramatically reduce the barriers and friction that traditionally have come with building blockchain networks, while at the same time allowing for application specialization. We believe that these technologies will drive significant innovation in the blockchain space.”

– Derek Yoo, PureStake CEO

New Service

The new validator service is deployed using an infrastructure-as-code approach in a multi-cloud, multi-pop environment across AWS, Azure, and Google clouds, and is operated according to the ISO27K standard.

Some security highlights of PureStake’s validator infrastructure include:

  • Network segmentation, VPCs, VPNs to create validator isolation.
  • Load balancers, firewalls, ACLs, DDoS, and perimeter protection.
  • IDS and centralized log analysis to identify and alert on security threats.
  • Host hardening according to NIST standards, fully automated patching.
  • Daily network and system vulnerability scanning and remediation.

Users can stake their KSM tokens with the new service using the addresses found here.