PulseChain's Middle Finger


The PulseChain sacrifice phase ended just recently. Crypto enthusiats, lovers of free speech and high IQ investors were able to make a huge splash in the cryoto space as well as make themselves heard around the world. With their love of free speech and living a long and healthy life these crypto pioneers raised a middle finger up to all the gibberish screaming haters. Richard Heart and his supporters managed to raise nearly $28 million for the SENS foundation and a whopping $14 billion (yes with a B) sacrificed. Below is what Aubrey de Grey had to say while receiving this massive influx of donations:

Sacrifice Tally 


The last day of sacrifice was a roller coaster. Going off of @WhaleHex on twitter, a bot that tracks large HEX transaction, nearly 1 billion HEX was sacrificed on the last day. HUGE multi-million HEX bags were being sacrificed back to back which eventually led to @WhaleHex being paused. You can view what and how much was sacrificed here

Out The Woodworks


Unsurprisingly boomer token maximalists weren't happy and decided to trash talk PulseChain when the sacrificed phase ended. 

Boomer Token enthusiast Lark Davis wrote an interesting thread on Twitter ensuring to his followers that Pulsechain will most likely fail to other coins despite also saying that it could "moon" because we somehow don't care about PulseChain being a chepaer, faster, delfationary hardfork of ethereum. I guess to boomer token maximalists the only thing that should matter to investors and users is that a blockchains respective "Satoshi" remain anonymous rather than having full disclosure? Or maybe technology is only good if your friends are already invested in it? Who knows. I know why I am very excited for PulseChain. 

PulseChain Fixes This


The major issue with Ethereum is that it's essentially overcrowded. The network congestion is by design somehow "remedied" by raising fees. Making it more costly to transact I guess could help clear network congestion but in practice this not only hurts the smaller guys but ensures only centralized forces can use the product. It shoudn't cost a user $200 to move $200. Frankly, this is just embarrassing and in itself has become a huge barrier for mass crypto adoption. Just the other day I had a close friend wanting to invest into his future by staking HEX but unfortunately he doesn't have a lot of money to work with. His goal was to start setting $30 a week to the side to start dollar cost averaging into HEX. He called me upset because it was going to cost him $10 to send $30 in ETH just to his staker wallet, which of course he'd have to pay another fee to swap his ETH for HEX, then another fee to stake. I feel bad for him but I told him as of right now it's unavoidable and that he's probably better off just holding his funds in USDC since ETH is most likely still on it's way down. PulseChain fixes this, I told him. After launch he should finally be able to access the benefits of crypto by buying PLS and transacting on it instead.

As mentioned above, PulseChain will launch to be cheaper and faster than Ethereum, and deflationary. PLS has 4x the throughput and 4x the speed, with 25% of transactions being burned. How many people out there exist like my friend? How many developers are there out there having difficulty getting adoption because of Ethereums gas fees? Any number is too many. This is why Pulse is not only good for the smaller guys but also good for Ethereum. PulseChain helps to clear this congestion allowing for more access all around. Not only will PLS be a cheaper alternative to ETH but ETH becomes cheaper to use as well simply by PLS existing. Pulse is the glory of capitalism in action allowing for market competition and consumerism to advance technology while making life better for everybody. You can learn more about PLS at pulsechain.com