PSTAKE’s BNB liquid staking solution (stkBNB) is now live

Launched today, stkBNB is now live on PancakeSwap to provide liquidity pools, yield-farming, and yield optimization. More integrations are expected with other BNB Chain protocols in the near future.

“After months of rigorous development and careful testing, which included a partnership with BINANCE Labs and a series of audits by leading blockchain security firms, pSTAKE is now moving forward with its mainnet launch for BNB liquid staking.”

– The pSTAKE Team

pStake app (

Simply by staking their BNB on pSTAKE, users will earn around 5% auto-compounded staking rewards. stkBNB is a BEP20 token compatible with Metamask, Binance Web Wallet, Trust Wallet, and Math Wallet.

Source: stkBNB FAQ