Proton blockchain

On February 7th, 2022, CEO of Metallicus, Marshall Hayner, submitted a proposal to the Proton blockchain’s block producers to bring Proton blockchain to new heights by offering specific grants to different parties within the Proton ecosystem.

The proposal was approved with a majority of 71% from the block producers and 14 billion non-circulating tokens were added to the Proton Blockchain ecosystem, resulting in a total non-circulating supply of 28 billion.

The grant was allocated to block producers, developers, the community, marketing, and the core developer, Metallicus, to be put into circulation within 3 years. The Proton community has also approved the creation of an autonomous, decentralized “Proton War Chest” (PWC) to be managed by the Proton Consortium multisig to reduce the circulating supply faster than the existing inflation and make Proton a trustless cross-chain exchange layer for Web3.

Metallicus also plans to prioritize and organize proposed developments into a comprehensive Roadmap for the blockchain’s overall success, such as Proton DAO dash governance board, Proton streaming vested payments, NFT bridge, Proton DEX liquidity incentives, Proton DEX advanced trading functions, Proton+ Biometric Recovery