Projects I've Been Interested In Recently

Although I've only recently gotten into the cryptocurrency world, it took me by absolute surprise how it managed to totally draw me in. Back when I thought it was just Bitcoin and Ethereum, I never realized how much blockchain has to offer and the game changing projects that are growing on it. Generally I've been financially involved in the larger projects, there are a few sub top ten ones I'm interested in solely for their functionality or future promises.



Although arguably "one of the larger ones" Cardano is the one I've been really into lately. I know its pretty hit or miss in the cryptospace, especially seeing as there isn't a lot of functionality to it yet, but I think the project has so much potential if they can deliver on what they're promising. With smart contract functionality coming later this year, I think the project is a much safer bet now than it was a couple months ago.

The rumor mill surrounding Cardano never seems to sleep and there is a lot of talk about other things that are in the works. The talks about a deal in Ethiopia waiting on the prime minister to sign was the most interesting to me right now. I'm not too sure entirely what is involved in this, but it could mean huge things if it really happens. Total decentralization coming March 30 is big news and a recent twitter post about the planned Cardano ecosystem is promising. I don't have a lot of money to invest to begin with, but Cardano has been the one I've bought into the most so far and at the moment I'm not sure I'll be slowing down.

Having said that, I understand there is still a lot of room for doubts. Cardano doesn't have a lot to show as far as functionality goes right now so all the talk surrounding the platform is just that. I think this year is going to be the one that makes or breaks it and some real tangible projects on the platform are sorely needed, so I hope we see some big changes coming this year.



Ravencoin is another that I've been really interested in. This was actually one of the first altcoins I stumbled upon and the security aspect of it is absolutely fascinating to me. Although this project is relatively small right now, I think there are a lot more eyes on it as it is still a profitable mining option.

With Ethereum eventually switching to PoS, a lot of people will probably be shifting their efforts over to mining this and I hope that brings another wave of interest and adoption to it. There are already a lot of assests existing on it so all that is really waiting right now is more adoption and that seems to be slowly coming with the steady growth of the community. I wrote a brief post about Ravencoin here, if you're interested in a quick overview of the project.



I haven't invested much in it, unfortunately, but Theta Network is one I've been eyeing lately. I'm a huge fan of streams and spent a good amount of time watching Twitch so having a decentralized alternative to an Amazon product is exciting for me. The platform hasn't been heavily adopted by streamers yet, but I've been relatively satisfied with the ones I have seen on it and hope it grows further.



Decentraland and Gods Unchained are two projects that blew my mind because I never before realized that video games could be built on blockchain. Coming as a previously hardcore Hearthstone player, Gods Unchained feels kind of like home to me and is surprisingly easy to get into.

And then Decentraland gives me hope for what the future of video games on blockchain could look like since it allows the building of pretty much anything you could think of in the world. The partnership with Atari only helps my excitement for it. I hope when Ethereum finds a solution for the transaction fees, this will push some other developers to the platform as the video game blockchain community grows.


I'm always on the look out for new projects to turn my attention to, but these are the three that have really caught my interest right now. I'm interested to know what up and coming cryptos you guys are interested in right now!