Presearch For Dummies: Part Two, Your PRE Level

In the first article we covered some topics about Presearch, like 'What is Presearch?', 'How to set-up a Node?' and 'How to Earn using Presearch?'.

If you have registred in PRESEARCH and decided to try this awesome decentralized engine, while getting some free PRE tokens, the next question you are probably asking, is 'Why do I have X reward tokens, and only X/2 Eligible Tokens?'

To answer that, we have to understand what is PRE Level.

All of us like FREE stuff, right? Well, some more than others. When the Presearch public beta launched in November of 2017, some people looked at this only as an opportunity to get free tokens. And they abused it. They runned automated programs or bots designed to earn rewards, doing searches more frequently than they would do under normal circumstances. In other words, they didn't care about decentrilized search nor about being part of community and actually doing something usefull, they only saw those free tokens. 

The thing is, just like BRAVE browser, or the Publish0x, these platforms are not for 'getting rich quick', they will never substitute our boring 9:5 jobs, and get ourselfs a 'lambo'. They are not designed to do it. These platforms are a way to make something better, and to encourage people to use them, they give a small reward to users. Now, when someone tries to abuse these platforms, they are ruining it for others.

At first, the Preseach platform decided to manually review new accounts, to try and avoid multiple accounts being created for the sole reason of taking advantage of the rewards. But since the community grew exponentially, it became an enormus task, hence the creation of PRE Levels.

When you create a new account you get a PRE Level Five, which, essentially means, that you can withdraw 50% of youre earned tokens, BUT when you use the system proactivly and without bots, with time your Pre Level will increase, and with it the ammount of tokens you can withdraw.

You can read more about Pre Levels here:

Final Words

Presearch can be a good platform, it has a clear goal in mind, and if the users will use it the way it's intended, all will benefit. Just don't abuse it:)

PS. To use Presearch with ease, you can install Chrome/Brave extension by going here.


Check out some other stuff I wrote: 

 > Presearch For Dummies: Part One 

 > How to start your crypto journey, if you don't have money to invest?